Use active directory to control the access to .mdb file
am 26.10.2007 11:29:51 von nujchareeI am thinking about linking Oracle database to Access database but
want to use Active Directory to control the access to mdb. Is this
acheiveable? How?
I am thinking about linking Oracle database to Access database but
want to use Active Directory to control the access to mdb. Is this
acheiveable? How?
On your server create/add a user group (standard management area for
win2003 server, Administrative Tools or Security I think for win2000
server). You have to manually add the userNames to that group -- that I
know of. Maybe that can be automated like read from an Excel file.
On the Sql Server go to the Security section for that server and add the
group. The check off which databases this list of users has access to
in the Database Access tab. In the lower window of the Database Access
tab select public and the scroll down and select datareader. This will
give ReadOnly rights to the databases selected for each member of this
group. If any of the members need more access like write access, then
you can create another group on the server computer with the respective
special users and add this new group to the security section of the Sql
Server and then add the databases they need access too and the type of
access that they need.
You don't need to worry about server roles at this point.
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