Re: Why does this not fully work? <Textarea> + DIV + InnerHTML
am 26.10.2007 17:52:34 von spambait
In article <>, wrote:
>Can someone please explain what I am doing wrong here? When you enter
>something into the textarea, it skips the first character.
As you can easily see by typing 12345 in the textarea, it's not the *first*
character that fails to display. Go slowly, and observe when each character
Observe what happens when you type 1234.
That should be instructive. :-)
> How can I
>rectify this problem? :-)
Consider the sequence of events that occurs when a key is pressed, then
evaluate whether onKeyDown is the event handler you're really interested in,
or if another one might be more appropriate.
Doug Miller (alphageek at milmac dot com)
It's time to throw all their damned tea in the harbor again.