Problem with AuthDBI
am 29.10.2007 20:37:57 von wseHi all--I am getting the following error from AuthDBI:
DBD::Ingres::st execute failed: E_US0899 line 1, Cursor
's0_passwordfromecogpass' already open.
Here are my configuration options from httpd.conf:
# Apache::AuthDBI Authentication and Authorization set up. - wse - 10/07
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthDBI::authen
PerlAuthzHandler Apache::AuthDBI::authz
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_encrypted on
# DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $password)
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_data_source dbi:Ingres:soltrane::janitor
# authentication: SELECT pwd_field FROM pwd_table WHERE uid_field=$user
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_table ecog_passwords
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_uid_field username
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_field password
# authorization: SELECT grp_field FROM grp_table WHERE uid_field=$user
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_grp_table ecog_groups
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_grp_field accessgroup
Here is some version info:
Solaris 5.8
Ingres 2.0
Perl 5.8.8
Apache 2.2.4
mod_perl 2.0.3
DBI 1.06
AuthDBI 1.06
I am *not* loading DBI in my The Ingres test database
server has very few threads available.
I will gladly supply any other relevant information. Thanks.
-- Bill Edwards, Senior Programmer
Frontier Science Technology Research Foundation/
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group