question on apache upgrade
am 30.10.2007 21:55:29 von MikeOk, first off I'll admit I am not a Linux guru. I inherited a redhat
linux web server that I need to manage and I am learning to do so.
Here is my question. Last week I upgraded apache from V2.0.40 to
V2.0.61. Now everything went fine and if I do an httpd -v or
apachectl -v it is telling me Apache/2.0.61 Built 10/24/2007.
My question is this. I happened to be checking some links on my web
site and found one that was pointing to a bad page name, so I got the
Error404 page and this page is telling me that it is Apache/2.0.40.
I am just not sure why or what exactly is going on. Any thought?
Thanks in advance.