EPrints "Call for Plugins" (perl)

EPrints "Call for Plugins" (perl)

am 31.10.2007 04:48:53 von Stevan Harnad

Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 07:06:50 +0000
From: Leslie Carr lac--ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: Prizes Offered for EPrints "Call for Plugins"

[This call is available at the EPrints website:
Please excuse multiple postings. On the other hand, please feel
free to distribute this call through your normal channels.]

Call for Plugins for EPrints Repositories

Developers are warmly invited to create import and export plugins for
the EPrints repository platform.

EPrints is a mature repository platform that has a particular emphasis
on interoperability. EPrints repositories operate in complex
information environments consisting of mobile devices, user desktop
applications, library environments, institutional databases and
Internet services. EPrints is looking to increase its range of
interoperability capabilities with more community-developed plugins.

EPrints Services is offering prizes for new plugins submitted to the
EPrints developers repository by January 31st 2008. EPrints Services
is the repository hosting company that funds EPrints development.

First Prize: Apple iPhone plus contract (or equivalent value item)
Second Prize: iPod Touch
Third Prize: iPod Nano

You are invited to develop an import or export plugin. You don't need
to be an established EPrints developer to participate, anyone with
some basic Perl programming skills can join in. To get started
download an EPrints LiveCD, which boots up a running EPrints
repository with training materials. Support can be obtained through
the EP-Tech mailing list, the EPrints wiki and the EPrints website.

EPrints has a growing list of plugins that can handle requirements as
diverse as importing publications from PubMed or creating mashups
using Google Maps. EPrints supports insitutional repositories, but it
is also suitable for individual student projects and research
environments, as its import and export features allow existing digital
collections to be used and reused in innovative ways.

For further information about this Call for Plugins, please see the
Further Information Wiki page or email lac--ecs.soton.ac.uk.

Important Links

EPrints Services
Call for Plugins
Further Information
EPrints Package Repository (Plugins)
EPrints Live CD
Lists of Standard EPrints Plugins
Import plugins http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/
Import/ and export plugins
Plugin Development Tutorial
How To Create Export Plugins
General Training Materials
http://www.eprints.org/software/training/ (see the "Customisation
Training" panel for developer training)
General Documentation
EPrints Orientation for New Users
Demo Repository http://demoprints.eprints.org/ and Feature Overview