Looking for a module (or anything) to grab a webcam image
Looking for a module (or anything) to grab a webcam image
am 01.11.2007 15:52:45 von soren625
A perldoc -q query didn't turn up anything camera- or webcam-related
that looked useful; neither did a CPAN module search nor a Google Groups
search or a Google Web search.
What I'm trying to do is grab a still image from a USB camera and save
it to an image file. Either a Linux- or a Win32-based solution would be
Perhaps there's some notion of the ability to "capture" the data stream
from a USB port and save the result as an image file, but I'm not sure
where to start that line of research.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Paul Burton
paulburto *at* gmail *dot* com
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Re: Looking for a module (or anything) to grab a webcam image
am 01.11.2007 16:28:08 von glex_no-spam
PB wrote:
> A perldoc -q query didn't turn up anything camera- or webcam-related
> that looked useful; neither did a CPAN module search nor a Google Groups
> search or a Google Web search.
Oh Really. Searching CPAN for 'video' or the Internet for
ohhh.. "webcam capture image" didn't find anything useful?
How strange.. Doing just that I see a lot of possibilities.
Re: Looking for a module (or anything) to grab a webcam image
am 01.11.2007 17:11:12 von soren625
* J. Gleixner wrote, On 11/1/2007 11:28 AM:
> Oh Really. Searching CPAN for 'video' or the Internet for
> ohhh.. "webcam capture image" didn't find anything useful?
> How strange.. Doing just that I see a lot of possibilities.
OK, OK, there was Video::Capture::V4l::Imager at CPAN (I did find that
before posting.)
As for your other recommendation, I thought the fact that I was asking
the question in a Perl/perl group would obviate the fact that I was
searching for a perl solution to my problem. Try Googling /"webcam
capture image" perl/ and see what I mean.
So, let me restate my question:
Is there any perl-ish way to capture a USB webcam image and save it to a
Has anyone used Video::Capture::V4l::Imager? I'd just install and start
mucking around with it, but I'm at work now and just thought I'd test
the waters here for some ideas.
Paul Burton
paulburto *at* gmail *dot* com
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Re: Looking for a module (or anything) to grab a webcam image
am 01.11.2007 23:53:07 von Tad McClellan
J. Gleixner wrote:
> PB wrote:
>> A perldoc -q query didn't turn up anything camera- or webcam-related
>> that looked useful; neither did a CPAN module search nor a Google Groups
>> search or a Google Web search.
> Oh Really.
Message-ID: <1135012130.032784.304980@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>
Tad McClellan
email: perl -le "print scalar reverse qq/moc.noitatibaher\100cmdat/"
Re: Looking for a module (or anything) to grab a webcam image
am 02.11.2007 13:22:40 von DM McGowan II
* Tad McClellan wrote, On 11/1/2007 6:53 PM:
> snipped Message-ID
Hmm ... thanks. Didn't think about the fact that I'd been plonked in
that exchange. I've learned a lot in two years, but I don't suppose that
will go very far here.
In case there's any chance at all of anyone answering my question, I'll
Is there any perl-ish way to capture a USB webcam image and save it to a
Has anyone used Video::Capture::V4l::Imager? I'd just install and start
mucking around with it, but I'm at work now and just thought I'd test
the waters here for some ideas.
Paul Burton
paulburto *at* gmail *dot* com
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Re: Looking for a module (or anything) to grab a webcam image
am 06.11.2007 13:49:00 von Joe Smith
PB wrote:
> Is there any perl-ish way to capture a USB webcam image and save it to a
> file?
my $jpeg_data = `vendor_provided_capture_program.exe`;
Very perlish: take the lazy way out when there's an existing program
that will do the dirty work for you.