

am 08.11.2007 04:15:12 von Larry

Hi peeps,

below is the code of a script that spawns a new thread whenever
it gets a new request:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Data::Dumper;
use threads;
use IO::Handle;

my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
LocalPort => '65001',
Proto => 'tcp',
Reuse => 1,
Listen => 1,
) || die $!;


while ( my $client = $sock->accept() )

if ($client)

my $thr = threads->new(\&manage, $client);

for my $t (threads->list()) {
printf Dumper(\$t) . " has tid = %d\n", $t->tid();

sub manage {

my $client = shift;
my $data = <$client>;
print "$data\n";
sleep 5;
syswrite $client, "Hello World!";



now, I'd like to have all the threads killed before a new thread gets
spawnd...can it actually be done??


Re: thread

am 09.11.2007 19:04:42 von xhoster

Larry wrote:


> now, I'd like to have all the threads killed before a new thread gets
> spawnd...can it actually be done??

I don't know if it can be done, but if you only want to have one thread
running at a time (well, two, one that is doing stuff and one that is
killing off the one that is doing stuff), why use threads in the first


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Re: thread

am 10.11.2007 00:18:58 von Larry

In article <20071109130443.976$>,

> I don't know if it can be done, but if you only want to have one thread
> running at a time (well, two, one that is doing stuff and one that is
> killing off the one that is doing stuff), why use threads in the first
> place?

I cannot wait for others threads to finish ... anyway ... I need to get
control of ...