Error "this.$event[...].keys" is

Error "this.$event[...].keys" is

am 10.11.2007 15:06:54 von michele

Hi, I've insterted in my page an external JS menu... now I see all right
but when I press F5 key (or when I close the page) I see this error:

Row 1
char 1

'this.$event[...].keys' is null or it isn't an object


I don't know how to resolve this problem :-(

I hope you can help me....

I've tried to delete the new JS files included and I've seen (... I
think) that if I delete this

I don't see the error (I see other error for the information included in
this file, but I don't see the "Error 'this.$event[...].keys' is" error

I try to post a part of the code (tell me if I must to insert other
files.... I've my page only on locahost I can't to post the URL)

This this a part of the included file (jquery.js)

* jQuery 1.1.2 - New Wave Javascript
* Copyright (c) 2007 John Resig (
* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
* $Date: 2007-02-27 17:18:47 -0500 (Tue, 27 Feb 2007) $
* $Rev: 1460 $

eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c 35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace (/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){r eturn
d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p= p.replace(new
RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('7(1D 1u.6=="R"){1u.R=1u.R;v
6=q(a,c){7(1u==l)u 1q 6(a,c);a=a||12;7(6.1p(a))u 1q
6(12)[6.D.27?"27":"2P"](a);7(1D a=="20"){v m=/^[^<]*(<(.|\s)+>
)[^>]*$/.2M(a);7(m)a=6.41([m[1]]);I u 1q 6(c).2p(a)}u
l.6p(a.1l==2A&&a||(a.3W||a.H&&a!=1u&&!a.1W&&a[0]!=R&&a[0].1W )&&6.3N(a)||[a])};7(1D
$!="R")6.30$=$;v $=6;6.D=6.8n={3W:"1.1.2",8K:q(){u l.H},H:0,2b:q(1P){u
1P==R?6.3N(l):l[1P]},2j:q(a){v K=6(a);K.6n=l;u
K},6p:q(a){l.H=0;[].1m.15(l,a);u l},J:q(D,1A){u 6.J(l,D,1A)},2g:q(1b){v
4W=-1;l.J(q(i){7(l==1b)4W=i});u 4W},1G:q(23,O,B){v
l.H&&6[B||"1G"](l[0],23)||R;I{1b={};1b[23]=O}u l.J(q(2g){P(v G 1B
l.1G(23,O,"3g")},2I:q(e){7(1D e=="20")u l.3u().3s(12.8q(e));v
t="";6.J(e||l,q(){6.J(l.3b,q(){7(l.1W!=8)t+=l.1W!=1?l.6u:6.D .2I([l])})});u
t},2H:q(){v a=6.41(1v);u l.J(q(){v
l.3d(1v,11,-1,q(a){l.Y.2T(a,l.2c)})},4f:q(){u l.6n||6([])},2p:q(t){u
l.2j(6.2Y(l,q(a){u 6.2p(t,a)}),t)},4Y:q(4M){u l.2j(6.2Y(l,q(a){v
a=a.3j(4M!=R?4M:U);a.$1E=14;u a}))},1C:q(t){u
l.2j(6.1p(t)&&6.2n(l,q(2u,2g){u t.15(2u,[2g])})||6.3z(t,l))},2e:q(t){u
l.2j(t.1l==3t&&6.3z(t,l,U)||6.2n(l,q(a){u(t.1l==2A||t.3W)?6. 3y(a,t)<0:a!=t}))},1K:q(t){u

This is a part of my HTML page



href="http://localhost/core/templates/webby2/media/site.css" >
href="http://localhost/core/templates/webby2/media/sidebar.c ss">
href="http://localhost/core/templates/webby2/media/content.c ss">
href="http://localhost/core/templates/webby2/media/forms.css ">
href="http://localhost/core/templates/webby2/media/toolbar.c ss">