Monitoring APP Pools
am 13.11.2007 17:03:44 von Kevin Antel
Does anyone know of a utility/app that I can use to monitor app pools while
I want to be able to setup a monitor so that it can tell me of app pool
recycles and what app that pool is. Since they all start a new SID after
recycle, I need to know what app is recycling. I want this to be setup as a
routine, so it can generate email alerts and let me know when these recycles
are happening.
Any suggestions?
Re: Monitoring APP Pools
am 13.11.2007 18:39:32 von Kristofer Gafvert
I don't know of any such application, but you can configure IIS to log in
the event log when an application pool recycles.
By doing this, you can write your own application that monitors the event
log, checking for certain events. There are probably free applications as
well that can monitor the event log.
"Logging Worker Process Recycling Events in IIS 6.0" 03/Library/IIS/87892589-4eda-4003-b4ac-3879eac4bf48.mspx?mfr =true
Kristofer Gafvert - IIS Related Info
CQL User wrote:
>Does anyone know of a utility/app that I can use to monitor app pools
>while offline?
>I want to be able to setup a monitor so that it can tell me of app pool
>recycles and what app that pool is. Since they all start a new SID after
>recycle, I need to know what app is recycling. I want this to be setup as
>a routine, so it can generate email alerts and let me know when these
>recycles are happening.
>Any suggestions?