seting cookies to use some links with perl

seting cookies to use some links with perl

am 13.11.2007 17:24:50 von RAPPAZ Francois

I would like to use a link "Import into textBib" wich is displayed
depending on user's preferences. I tried to set these from a script
before displaying the page but it does not work. am I missing
something obvious ?

Thanks for any help

My script below:

use LWP;
use HTML::Parser;
use HTML::FormatText;
use HTML::Tree;
use HTML::Form;
# use DateTime::Duration;
use HTTP::Headers;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HTTP::Cookies::Netscape;
use strict;
use warnings;

#Get the cookies in defining the preferences pages
#save the cookies in a file
my $url=3D"";

my $ua =3D LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv:
18.1.9) Gecko/20071025 Firefox/');
my $c =3D HTTP::Cookies::Netscape->new(file=3D>"cookies.txt",

my $h =3D HTTP::Headers->new(
Accept =3D> "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/
Host =3D> "",
$h->server("Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat)");
$h->user_agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv:
18.1.9) Gecko/20071025 Firefox/");

my $req =3DHTTP::Request->new(GET=3D>$url,$h);
# $c->add_cookie_header($req);
my $res =3D$ua->request($req);
# $c->add_cookie_header($req);
# print $h->as_string,"\n";
die ($res->status_line) unless ($res->is_success);

# get the form and set the preference to have the bibTex Link

my @forms =3D HTML::Form->parse($res->content(), $res->base());

# $forms[0]->dump();
# die;

my $box =3D $forms[0]->find_input("scis");
die "pas de box\n" unless $box;
# foreach my $box (@rbox){
#print $box->disable()?"inactif":"actif","\n";
my @v =3D$box->possible_values;
# $box->value( $v[2] );
foreach my $v (@v){print "value : $v\n";}
# $box->value(undef);
my $input =3D $forms[0]->find_input("scisf");
if ($input){
} else {die "pas de select\n";}

my $bt =3D $forms[0]->find_input("submit");


# send the form
if ($bt) {
$res =3D $ua->request($bt->click($forms[0]));
die ($res->status_line) unless ($res->is_success);
} else {print "bt undef\n";}
# die ($res->status_line) unless ($res->is_success);
print $res->status_line,"\n";

# get the cookie back
print $res->base,"\n\n";

$url =3D ",
author:fribourg&hl=3Den&lr=3D&as_ylo=3D2007&as_yhi=3D2007&as _subj=3Dbio+chm=

$req =3DHTTP::Request->new(GET=3D>$url,$h);

# $ua->cookie_jar($c);
$res =3D$ua->request($req);
die ($res->status_line) unless ($res->is_success);
my $tree =3D HTML::TreeBuilder->new->parse($res->content);
my @bibtexlinks =3D getbibtex($tree);

foreach my $l (@bibtexlinks){
print "$l\n";


my $formatter =3D HTML::FormatText->new();
my $ascii =3D $formatter->format($tree);
print $ascii;

sub getbibtex {
my ($tree) =3D @_;
my @out;
my @links =3D $tree->look_down('_tag'=3D>'a', 'class'=3D>'fl');
foreach my $a (@links){
push @out, $a->attr('href');
# push @out, $a->attr('href');
# $tree->delete;
return @out;

Script end

The ouput gives for the form (and the relevant prefs seem correct)

GET [prefform]
nosubmit=3D (image)
submit=3DSave Preferences (submit)
inststart=3D0 (hidden readonly)
hl=3Den (option) [...]
lang=3Dall (radio) [*all|some]
lr=3D (checkbox) [*/...]
lr=3D (checkbox) [*/...]
lr=3D (checkbox) [*/...]
lr=3D (checkbox) [*/...]
lr=3D (checkbox) [*/...]
lr=3D (checkbox) [*/...]
lr=3D (checkbox) [*/...]
lr=3D (checkbox) [*/...]
instq=3D (text)
instfind=3DFind Library (submit)
num=3D10 (option) [*10|20|30|50|100]
newwindow=3D (checkbox) [*/off|1/ ...]
scis=3Dyes (radio) [:no|*yes]
scisf=3D4 (option) [*4/BibTeX|3/EndNote|2/
submit=3DSave Preferences (submit)

the status is ok
200 OK
the base url also

but the requested link is not display:

/scholar?num=3D1&hl=3Den&lr=3D&q=3Drelated:9Y4Rq3zllPUJ:scho 2+%22Predicting=

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A Dulloo

J Montani

A Felikson

P Lavenex

U Albrecht

Predicting adaptive evolution under elevated atmospheric CO2 in the
perennial grass Bromus erectus
T STEINGER, A STEPHAN, B SCHMID - Global Change Biology, 2007 -
... 1 Present Address: D├Â=AEpartement de Biologie, Unitâ”=
œÂ=AE Ecologie &
Evolution, Universit├Â=AE
de Fribourg, Chemin du Mus├Â=AEe 10, CH-1700 Fribourg,
Switzerland. ...
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