New test release (1.15_2) of DBD::ODBC

New test release (1.15_2) of DBD::ODBC

am 14.11.2007 12:52:57 von Martin.Evans

I have uploaded to CPAN 1.15_2 test release of DBD::ODBC. This contains
a lot of changes (even since 1.15_1), in particular wrt building, so I'd
welcome any feedback. You can also find it temporarily at: -ODBC-1.15_2.tar.gz

The changes are:

Fix bug in DBD::ODBC's private function data_sources which was
returning data sources prefixed with "DBI:ODBC" instead of "dbi:ODBC".

If you don't have at least DBI 1.21 it is now a fatal error instead of
just a warning.

DBI->connect changed so informational diagnostics like "Changed
database context to 'master'" from SQL Server are available in
errstr/state. These don't cause DBI->connect to die but you can test
$h->err eq "" after connect and obtain the informational diagnostics
from errstr/state if you want them.

Fixed problem in 41Unicode.t where utf8 was used before testing we had
a recent enough Perl - thank you cpan testers.

Changed "our" back to "my" in Makefile.PL - thank you cpan testers.

Removed all calls to DBIh_EVENT2 in dbdimp.c as it is no longer used
(see posts on dbi-dev).

Changed text output when a driver manager is not found to stop
referring to iodbcsrc which is no longer included with DBD::ODBC.

Changed Makefile.PL to attempt to find unixODBC if -o or ODBCHOME not

Updated META.yml based on new 1.2 spec.

Changed Makefile.PL so if an ODBC driver manager is not found then we
issue warning and exit cleanly but not generating a Makefile. This
should stop cpan-testers from flagging a fail because they haven't got
an ODBC driver manager.

Changed Makefile.PL so it no longer "use"s DBI/DBI::DBD because this
makes cpan-testers log a fail if DBI is not installed. Changed to put
the DBI::DBD use in the CONFIGURE sub so PREREQ_PM will filter out
machines where DBI is not installed.

Fix a possible typo, used once in 10handler.t.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited