simplifying webdav config on apache

simplifying webdav config on apache

am 15.11.2007 16:57:58 von blamtastic

Hi All,

I'm trying to simplify my apache webdav config so I don't have to have
individual sections for each my my users in my httpd.conf file.

When someone connects to access webdav they need to use the url For instance user 'bob' would go
to ''. I want to be able to pull the string
'bob' off the end of the url and use it in a 'Require user ....'
statement. My attempt can be seen below:

Alias /wd /var/spool/webdav

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
AuthType Basic
AuthName "WebDAV Restricted"
AuthUserFile /data/web/root/auth/htpasswd
SetEnvIf Request_URI "^/wd/(.*)" myusername=$1

Require user myusername


Unfortunately this doesn't work and I get the error message:

[Wed Nov 14 16:41:35 2007] [error] [client] access to /wd/
bob/ failed, reason: user bob not allowed access

If I go back to my old config which just excludes the SetEnvIf line
and puts 'bob' in place of the environment variable 'myusername' I log
in just fine (I also change the 'Location' statment to look in '/wd/
bob') That is to say the problem isn't in my htpasswd file.

Any suggestions on where I'm going wrong?