Fortigate DMZ in transparent mode
am 20.11.2007 17:46:18 von BubIs this possible? Do I *have* to put the Fortigate into NAT/Router
mode in order to use the DMZ?
Is this possible? Do I *have* to put the Fortigate into NAT/Router
mode in order to use the DMZ?
Bub schrieb:
> Is this possible? Do I *have* to put the Fortigate into NAT/Router
> mode in order to use the DMZ?
> Thanks,
> Bub
In transparent mode you could make multiple "Virtual Domains" in order
to archive a zone splitting but afaik you can't combine both features.
The Virtual Domains have each their own setting, although the device is
bridged you can have 9 seperated Domains, without any VDOM license, each
with an VLAN virtual interface mapped to a physical one.
What kind of security zones do you need?