Looking for specific data

Looking for specific data

am 22.11.2007 03:22:38 von DeadTOm

There has to be an easier way to do this. I have a page with a list of
29 options utilizing checkboxes. The options that are checked get put
into a mysql table as a 1 and the options not checked get entered as a 0.

So the table looks like this

id cs01 cs02 cs03 cs04

1 0 0 1 0

2 1 0 0 0

3 0 0 0 1

The problem I'm running into is getting these things back out of the
table. I only want the columns where the answer is a 1. What I'm doing
right now looks like this:

$getPos = "SELECT * FROM pos WHERE id = '$id'";

$getPos_res = mysql_query($getPos,$conn) or die(mysql_error());

while ($getPos_info= mysql_fetch_array($getPos_res)) {

$getPos_cs01 = $getPos_info['cs01'];

$getPos_cs02 = $getPos_info['cs02'];

$getPos_cs03 = $getPos_info['cs03'];

$getPos_cs04 = $getPos_info['cs04'];


Then I use a series of IF statements to filter out the variables
containing a 0 so that on another page I can view only the options they
selected and leave out the ones they didn't. Obviously this takes a
crazy amount of code to accomplish this way. Is there some way, using
something like mysql_fetch_array or in my SELECT statement, to just get
the data containing a 1? Or can someone propose an entirely different
way of accomplishing the same thing?

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Re: Looking for specific data

am 22.11.2007 03:42:59 von dmagick

DeadTOm wrote:
> There has to be an easier way to do this. I have a page with a list of
> 29 options utilizing checkboxes. The options that are checked get put
> into a mysql table as a 1 and the options not checked get entered as a 0.
> So the table looks like this
> id cs01 cs02 cs03 cs04
> 1 0 0 1 0
> 2 1 0 0 0
> 3 0 0 0 1
> The problem I'm running into is getting these things back out of the
> table. I only want the columns where the answer is a 1.

Try this?

[ requires mysql 4.0+ ]

select id, 'cs01' as column_name from table where cs01='1' union all
select id, 'cs02' as column_name from table where cs02='1' union all
select id, 'cs03' as column_name from table where cs03='1' union all
select id, 'cs04' as column_name from table where cs04='1';

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Re: Looking for specific data

am 22.11.2007 04:51:31 von DeadTOm

Sweet. I can work with that.

Chris wrote:
> DeadTOm wrote:
>> There has to be an easier way to do this. I have a page with a list of
>> 29 options utilizing checkboxes. The options that are checked get put
>> into a mysql table as a 1 and the options not checked get entered as
>> a 0.
>> So the table looks like this
>> id cs01 cs02 cs03 cs04
>> 1 0 0 1 0
>> 2 1 0 0 0
>> 3 0 0 0 1
>> The problem I'm running into is getting these things back out of the
>> table. I only want the columns where the answer is a 1.
> Try this?
> [ requires mysql 4.0+ ]
> select id, 'cs01' as column_name from table where cs01='1' union all
> select id, 'cs02' as column_name from table where cs02='1' union all
> select id, 'cs03' as column_name from table where cs03='1' union all
> select id, 'cs04' as column_name from table where cs04='1';

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Re: Looking for specific data

am 22.11.2007 10:53:54 von Oskar

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [PHP-DB] Looking for specific data
From: DeadTOm
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: 22.11.2007 3:22
> There has to be an easier way to do this. I have a page with a list of
> 29 options utilizing checkboxes. The options that are checked get put
> into a mysql table as a 1 and the options not checked get entered as a 0.
> So the table looks like this
> id cs01 cs02 cs03 cs04
> 1 0 0 1 0
> 2 1 0 0 0
> 3 0 0 0 1
> The problem I'm running into is getting these things back out of the
> table. I only want the columns where the answer is a 1. What I'm doing
> right now looks like this:
> $getPos = "SELECT * FROM pos WHERE id = '$id'";
> $getPos_res = mysql_query($getPos,$conn) or die(mysql_error());
> while ($getPos_info= mysql_fetch_array($getPos_res)) {
> $getPos_cs01 = $getPos_info['cs01'];
> $getPos_cs02 = $getPos_info['cs02'];
> $getPos_cs03 = $getPos_info['cs03'];
> $getPos_cs04 = $getPos_info['cs04'];
> }
> Then I use a series of IF statements to filter out the variables
> containing a 0 so that on another page I can view only the options they
> selected and leave out the ones they didn't. Obviously this takes a
> crazy amount of code to accomplish this way. Is there some way, using
> something like mysql_fetch_array or in my SELECT statement, to just get
> the data containing a 1? Or can someone propose an entirely different
> way of accomplishing the same thing?
> Thanks!
depends if cs01..cs04 are related.

*1. Related (option in multiple select)*
something like "choose favorite colors: red/white/black/blue"

there are 2 ways how to handle that:
/a. m:n/

table customer (

table color_options (

table customer_favorite_color (

SELECT idCustomer FROM customer,customer_favorite_color WHERE
customer_favorite_color.idCustomer=customer.idCustomer GROUP BY
b. set
/table customer (
favoriteColor <= varchar, you will store idColor separated by commas
like for example '1,2,3'

table color_options (

SELECT idCustomer FROM customer WHERE favoriteColor IS NOT NULL;

*2. Not related
$where=join("!=0 or ",$testColumns)."!=0";
$query="SELECT * FROM pos WHERE $where";

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