Linux 2.6 kernel module compilation without using KBUILD

Linux 2.6 kernel module compilation without using KBUILD

am 28.11.2007 07:11:20 von murtuja bharmal

Hello All,
I want to compile external linux kernel module without
using KBUILD.
I tried to find out whole process of kernel module
compilation using KBUILD after enabling flag=20
If we look at 2.6 kernel module building process.
1. gcc is making ".hello.o.d" and ".tmp_hello.o"
from "hello.c" file.
2. Creating "hello.o" file using ".hello.o.d"
and ".tmp_hello.o".=20
3. Running Script "scripts/mod/modpost" to
create "hello.mod.c" using =93hello.o=94.
4. gcc is making "hello.mod.o" after compiling=20
"hello-mod.c" file.
5. finally "ld" is linking "hello.o"
and "hello.mod.o" and making "hello.ko".=20
Step 2 of above process is not very much cleared, how
it is making hello-2.o from ".hello.o.d" and

What is ".tmp_hello.o=94.
Do we have any document which describe how to make
kernel module without using KBUILD.
Any pointer of information is very helpful for me.
Murtuja Bharmal

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