This website has declined to show this webpage http 403

This website has declined to show this webpage http 403

am 01.12.2007 04:02:37 von craddon

From what I have found on the net this has something to do with IE 7
but I can't find an answer that I can understand.

The message "This website has declined to show this webpage http 403"
appears when we try to download from a download link on a page. One
answer was that it could be a download manager such as Get It but we
don't have this program.
The message also appears when trying to follow a link to a report from
a page we are already in.
Can anyone please help with something an amateur can do to fix this.
We are running Zone Alarm firewall, but have tried to fix in this but
doesn't do any good so I think it is IE 7, it didn't happen b4 when we
had IE6.

Re: This website has declined to show this webpage http 403

am 01.12.2007 04:21:55 von Ken Schaefer


This is a group for IIS issues (IIS is a piece of server software). If you
are having an issue with IE (Internet Explorer), please try an IE newsgroup.

Also, a 403 is generally returned by the web server. You may wish to contact
the administrator of the web site in question to see if there's anything
that they are doing to deny you access to the file.


My IIS Blog:

wrote in message
> From what I have found on the net this has something to do with IE 7
> but I can't find an answer that I can understand.
> The message "This website has declined to show this webpage http 403"
> appears when we try to download from a download link on a page. One
> answer was that it could be a download manager such as Get It but we
> don't have this program.
> The message also appears when trying to follow a link to a report from
> a page we are already in.
> Can anyone please help with something an amateur can do to fix this.
> We are running Zone Alarm firewall, but have tried to fix in this but
> doesn't do any good so I think it is IE 7, it didn't happen b4 when we
> had IE6.

Re: This website has declined to show this webpage http 403

am 02.12.2007 01:31:07 von David Wang

On Nov 30, 7:02 pm, wrote:
> From what I have found on the net this has something to do with IE 7
> but I can't find an answer that I can understand.
> The message "This website has declined to show this webpage http 403"
> appears when we try to download from a download link on a page. One
> answer was that it could be a download manager such as Get It but we
> don't have this program.
> The message also appears when trying to follow a link to a report from
> a page we are already in.
> Can anyone please help with something an amateur can do to fix this.
> We are running Zone Alarm firewall, but have tried to fix in this but
> doesn't do any good so I think it is IE 7, it didn't happen b4 when we
> had IE6.

Unexpected 403s are generally caused by the website sending it.

You should just contact the website and inform them of your
difficulties. They can look through their log files to determine
either their site's misconfiguration or what you need to do to be able
to successfully browse the website.

Without information from their server log files, you can only guess at
a problem that may have nothing to do with you. And searching the web
for random solutions which may not apply is not an effective way to
resolve issues.
