Online ZIP-viewer

Online ZIP-viewer

am 06.12.2007 08:38:50 von Gunivortus Goos


at my website I've several thousands of zipped texts.
Is there a script to make it visitors possible to open a ZIP file and
read the text inside?


Re: Online ZIP-viewer

am 06.12.2007 10:28:55 von Erwin Moller

Gunivortus Goos wrote:
> Hi,
> at my website I've several thousands of zipped texts.
> Is there a script to make it visitors possible to open a ZIP file and
> read the text inside?
> Regards,
> Gunivortus


Since you didn't mention on what OS you are, which webserver, and how
the files are zipped, it is hard to give more excact information.

If you can figure out how to do the unzipping on the commandline, you
can let PHP do that automated: read more here:

or try these:

Erwin Moller

Re: Online ZIP-viewer

am 06.12.2007 10:49:38 von petersprc

Hi there are some good examples here of manipulating zips:

On Dec 6, 2:38 am, Gunivortus Goos wrote:
> Hi,
> at my website I've several thousands of zipped texts.
> Is there a script to make it visitors possible to open a ZIP file and
> read the text inside?
> Regards,
> Gunivortus

Re: Online ZIP-viewer

am 06.12.2007 11:23:13 von Toby A Inkster

Gunivortus Goos wrote:

> Is there a script to make it visitors possible to open a ZIP file and
> read the text inside?

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
[Geek of HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python/Apache/Linux]
[OS: Linux, up 11 days, 17:10.]

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