<? and <?= not working after new PHP install

<? and <?= not working after new PHP install

am 14.12.2007 15:31:28 von Robert Van Kleeck

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The subject line says it all. The host of my website just migrated servers after the original one died. After installing PHP for windows, none of my pages worked correctly. After going through the code, it turned out to be that all PHP code was wrapped in instead of tags. It was my understanding that this is perfectly acceptable PHP. Is there something that needs to be enabled at install that possibly was not? The host did a "minimal" install of PHP.


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Re: <? and <?= not working after new PHP install

am 14.12.2007 15:51:24 von Jarrett Meyer

Needs to turn on short tags in the configuration.

Robert Van Kleeck wrote:
> The subject line says it all. The host of my website just migrated servers after the original one died. After installing PHP for windows, none of my pages worked correctly. After going through the code, it turned out to be that all PHP code was wrapped in instead of tags. It was my understanding that this is perfectly acceptable PHP. Is there something that needs to be enabled at install that possibly was not? The host did a "minimal" install of PHP.
> Thanks!
> -R
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Re: <? and <?= not working after new PHP install

am 14.12.2007 15:52:04 von Aaron Kenney

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