

am 14.12.2007 04:40:13 von Rajeev Prasad

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i am sorry to put this 'expect' issue here on perl list. But i searched the=
internet for so long and expect manual too, but couldn't get the cause of =
the following behavior:

i would appreciate all help.

in the following code no matter what the spawned command (ssh ) s=
ends back (normally a string: Password: ) the last procedure is getting exe=
cuted by the script...

I am so confused it looks a simple code otherwise...

can anyone tell me why is this behaving like that?

# end supporting functions

set host [lindex $argv 0]
set pass [lindex $argv 1]
set prompt "(%|\$|#|>)"

spawn /usr/local/bin/ssh $host
expect {
-re "yes" {
send -- "yes\r"
expect {
-re $prompt { hostok $host }
-re "(P|p)assword:" { sendpass $pass $host $prompt =
-re "(P|p)assword:" {
sendpass $pass $host $prompt
-re "$prompt" { hostok $host } << xecuted no matter what
exit 0
expect eof

thanks in advance.

There are as many paths as there are travellers...
____________________________________________________________ _____
The best games are on Xbox 360. Click here for a special offer on an Xbox =
360 Console.

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i am sorry to put this 'expect' iss=
ue here on perl list. But i searched the internet for so long and expect ma=
nual too, but couldn't get the cause of the following behavior:

i would appreciate all help.

in the following code no matter what th=
e spawned command (ssh <hostname>) sends back (normally a string: Pas=
sword: ) the last procedure is getting executed by the script...

I a=
m so confused it looks a simple code otherwise...

can anyone tell me=
why is this behaving like that?

# end support=
ing functions

set host [lindex $argv 0]
set =
pass [lindex $argv 1]
set prompt "(%|\$|#|>)"

spawn /usr/l=
ocal/bin/ssh $host
expect {
; -re "yes" {
p;      send -- "yes\r"
;            expect =
p;            -re $p=
rompt { hostok $host }
nbsp;           &nbs=
p;   -re "(P|p)assword:" { sendpass $pass $host $prompt }
p;            &=
nbsp;          }
p;            &=
nbsp; }
        -re "(P|p)assword:" {=

;     sendpass $pass $host $prompt
;             }=

        -re "$prompt" { hostok $host=
}       <<<This procedure is gettin=
g executed no matter what
exit 0
expect eof

hanks in advance.

There are as many paths as there are travellers...

e best games are on Xbox 360. Click here for a special offer on an Xbox 36=
0 Console. t=3D'_new'>Get it now!


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RE: problem....

am 14.12.2007 11:27:43 von Brian Raven

[] On Behalf Of Rajeev
Sent: 14 December 2007 03:40
Subject: problem....

> Hello,
> =

> i am sorry to put this 'expect' issue here on perl list. But i
searched the internet for so long and expect =

> manual too, but couldn't get the cause of the following behavior:

expect is essentially tcl, so you might get a better response on a tcl
forum. In fact Activestate host a number of mailing lists concerning
tcl, even one related to expect. For example, see


-- =

Brian Raven =

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