Performance monitoring made easy

Performance monitoring made easy

am 15.12.2007 17:51:29 von Mark Seger

Trying to figure out what's happening on your system can be a
challenge. There are a lot of utilities to choose from such as top,
sar, iostat and a bunch of others. The challenge is trying to figure
out which to run and to have multiple windows open if you need to run
more than one at a time. Each even has a different output format!

There should be an easier way and now there is. It's a tool I wrote a
number of years ago and released on sourceforge this past summer. You
basically tell it what you want to monitor (I won't bore you with just
how much, but just about anything you can think of is in there) and it
shows you everything on one window in a simple to read and consistent
display. If you just want to run it continuously as a service, no
problem as it can do that too. How about graphics? Unlike some tools
in which only generate graphics, collectl data can be saved in a form
suitable for gnuplot or even loadable into rrd. To learn more, you can
either see some examples at or just
download the rpm, install it and type collectl. You'll immediately
start seeing cpu, disk and network stats with plenty of switches to
customize what you see and how you see it.


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