checkbox yes/no
am 21.12.2007 14:23:55 von nicolacantalupoThe scope of a boolean query displays -1 or 0.
You can modoficare to show a checkbox?
The scope of a boolean query displays -1 or 0.
You can modoficare to show a checkbox?
If this yes/no field comes from a table, you can open the table in design
view, select the yes/no field, and in the lower pane (on the lookup tab),
set the Display Control property to Check Box. The query will then display
the field as a check box.
If that is not practical (e.g. if it is a calculated expression, or if you
can't modify the back end), you cannot do that through the interface. You
can do it programmatically like this:
SetPropertyDAO(Currentdb.QueryDefs("Query1").Fields("Expr1") ,"DisplayControl",
dbInteger, 106)
where the SetPropoertyDAO() function is shown at the foot of this page:
Of course, it would be dead easy to use a form (in datasheet view if you
want it to look like a query) or report, with a check box for this field.
Queries are for getting data, not really designed to give you fine control
over the interface.
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users -
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
> The scope of a boolean query displays -1 or 0.
> You can modoficare to show a checkbox?