linking multiple mdb files

linking multiple mdb files

am 21.12.2007 19:28:23 von u39854

I have multiple Access databases which are interrelated but not linked. One
main database is being used to create bids to general contractors (we are a
manufacturing plant that produces custom cabinetry.) This database is under
construction. It will eventually incorporate all levels of production from
the bid to drafting and engineering to invoicing. Additional mdb files are
being created by one of our CAD programs. These files have all the
manufacturing detail for each project: namely, what cabinets, their size, bar
code info and their room location. (Say in a hospital each room has multiple
cabinets and countertops.) I need to use these files for shipping tickets.
They are also a guide in manufacturing. Each mdb file is unique to the job
and has 15 tables (no forms etc.) Each file is exactly the same (table names,
fields etc.) except the data is different. They are linked to our saw so they
have dimensions etc. Currently I import a Qry and 2 Reports into those mdb
files to create shipping tickets etc. Can I or should I import this data into
the main database? Importing that info (namely which cabinet types in each
room—how much product etc.) would be extremely helpful in making an accurate
invoice. I would be able to reconcile the bid (with its $$ figures) to the
actual purchase order (the approved drawings from our CAD program above)—or
somehow apply costing to each cabinet through existing data.

Any advice?

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