FAQ 5.16 Is there a leak/bug in glob()?

FAQ 5.16 Is there a leak/bug in glob()?

am 24.12.2007 09:03:02 von PerlFAQ Server

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------------------------------------------------------------ --------

5.16: Is there a leak/bug in glob()?

Due to the current implementation on some operating systems, when you
use the glob() function or its angle-bracket alias in a scalar context,
you may cause a memory leak and/or unpredictable behavior. It's best
therefore to use glob() only in list context.

------------------------------------------------------------ --------

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Re: FAQ 5.16 Is there a leak/bug in glob()?

am 25.12.2007 15:13:06 von xueweizhong

> 5.16: Is there a leak/bug in glob()?
> Due to the current implementation on some operating systems, when you
> use the glob() function or its angle-bracket alias in a scalar context,
> you may cause a memory leak and/or unpredictable behavior. It's best
> therefore to use glob() only in list context.

It's still buggy in list context, see below. I filed this bug to p5p
weeks ago.

This works fine:

#! /bin/perl
$"=','; print join ',', glob "aaaa{@{[q{01}..q{05}]}}cccc"


After make the range bigger enough, the bug occurs:

#! /bin/perl
$"=','; print join ',', glob "aaaa{@{[q{001}..q{999}]}}cccc"


Re: FAQ 5.16 Is there a leak/bug in glob()?

am 28.12.2007 01:06:21 von brian d foy

In article
Todd wrote:

> > 5.16: Is there a leak/bug in glob()?
> >
> >
> > Due to the current implementation on some operating systems, when you
> > use the glob() function or its angle-bracket alias in a scalar context,
> > you may cause a memory leak and/or unpredictable behavior. It's best
> > therefore to use glob() only in list context.
> It's still buggy in list context, see below. I filed this bug to p5p
> weeks ago.
> This works fine:
> #! /bin/perl
> $"=','; print join ',', glob "aaaa{@{[q{01}..q{05}]}}cccc"
> __END__
> aaaa01cccc,aaaa02cccc,aaaa03cccc,aaaa04cccc,aaaa05cccc

> After make the range bigger enough, the bug occurs:
> #! /bin/perl
> $"=','; print join ',', glob "aaaa{@{[q{001}..q{999}]}}cccc"
> __END__
> aaaa

This has already been explained, I think. It's a MAXPATHLEN limitation
that perl takes from your system.

http://groups.google.com/group/perl.perl5.porters/browse_thr ead/thread/2
40e1011be62ec5d/7e1b6958749ec3a9?lnk=st&q=glob+todd+perl#7e1 b6958749ec3a

These ranges work:

perl -le '$"=q|,|; print glob "aaaa{@{[q{000}..q{253}]}}cccc"'
perl -le '$"=q|,|; print glob "aaaa{@{[q{500}..q{753}]}}cccc"'

That is, until I shift the window, which doesn't work:

perl -le '$"=q|,|; print glob "aaaa{@{[q{1500}..q{753}]}}cccc"'

Then I try printing the length of the values I get back from glob. On
my machine, going past the upper bounds just gives back 'aaa'.

perl -le '$"=","; print length join "", glob
$ perl -le '$"=q|,|; print length join "", glob

It's not related to strictly related to total length though, because
shortening it doesn't let me extend the range that much (by one!):

perl -le '$"=q|,|; print length join "", glob
perl -le '$"=q|,|; print length join "", glob