ALT.HTML Statistics for 30/12/2007
am 30.12.2007 21:07:01 von Toby Inkster=========================== alt.html Statistics ============================
Total posts considered: 234 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun Dec 23 21:01:38 2007
Latest article: Sun Dec 30 18:02:25 2007
Original articles: 48, replies: 186
Total size of posts: 590,505 bytes (576 kbytes) (0.56 Mbytes)
Average 33 articles per day, 0.08 Mbytes per day, 2,523 bytes per article
Total headers: 234 kbytes, bodies: 341 kbytes
Body: quoted 90 kbytes, original 231 kbytes = 71.98%, sigs 19 kbytes
Total number of posters: 76, average 7,769 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 55, average 10,736 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 18
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- html txt dat
============================================================ ================
==================== Top Posters by Number of Messages =====================
Poster Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: dorayme ........................................................ 30
2: rf ............................................................ . 19
3: charles cashion ................................................ 12
4: Neredbojias .................................................... 11
5: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 8
6: Blinky the Shark ............................................... 8
7: zara ........................................................... 8
8: Aaron Gray ..................................................... 7
9: Jukka K. Korpela ............................................... 7
10: John Hosking ................................................... 6
11: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................................ 6
12: Vince Morgan ................................................... 6
13: cwdjrxyz ....................................................... 5
14: Harlan Messinger ............................................... 4
15: Paul ........................................................... 4
16: Allodoxaphobia ................................................. 4
17: Ed Mullen ...................................................... 3
18: JWS ............................................................ 3
19: Sean ........................................................... 3
20: Dave Kelly ..................................................... 3
============================================================ ================
======================= Top Posters by Size (kbytes) =======================
Poster Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: dorayme ........................ 24 16 14 0 55
2: rf ............................. 18 5 6 0 31
3: charles cashion ................ 11 6 9 0 26
4: Neredbojias .................... 14 7 2 0 25
5: Toby Inkster ................... 0 0 21 0 21
6: msk2000 ........................ 0 0 20 0 21
7: Jonathan N. Little ............. 9 5 3 0 19
8: John Hosking ................... 5 3 4 4 18
9: Jukka K. Korpela ............... 7 2 7 0 18
10: 0 0 17 0 17
11: abdo911 ........................ 1 0 16 0 17
12: 0 0 16 0 17
13: zara ........................... 10 1 4 0 16
14: 0 0 12 0 14
15: Blinky the Shark ............... 9 3 0 0 14
16: 0 0 5 7 13
17: cwdjrxyz ....................... 5 3 4 0 13
18: 0 0 11 0 11
19: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........ 7 1 2 0 11
20: Aaron Gray ..................... 5 3 1 0 10
============================================================ ================
================== Top Posters by Original Text (kbytes) ===================
Poster Total
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: dorayme ........................................................ 14
2: .... 12
3: charles cashion ................................................ 9
4: Jukka K. Korpela ............................................... 7
5: rf ............................................................ . 6
6: cwdjrxyz ....................................................... 4
7: John Hosking ................................................... 4
8: zara ........................................................... 4
9: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 3
10: Vince Morgan ................................................... 2
============================================================ ================
=================== Highest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Jukka K. Korpela ............................... 2 10 68
2: zara ........................................... 1 6 65
3: cwdjrxyz ....................................... 3 7 60
4: charles cashion ................................ 6 15 60
5: Vince Morgan ................................... 2 5 56
6: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................ 1 4 55
7: rf ............................................. 5 12 49
8: dorayme ........................................ 16 31 45
9: Jonathan N. Little ............................. 5 9 37
10: John Hosking ................................... 3 13 35
============================================================ ================
==================== Lowest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Blinky the Shark ............................... 3 5 15
2: Neredbojias .................................... 7 11 24
3: Aaron Gray ..................................... 3 4 31
4: John Hosking ................................... 3 13 35
5: Jonathan N. Little ............................. 5 9 37
6: dorayme ........................................ 16 31 45
7: rf ............................................. 5 12 49
8: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................ 1 4 55
9: Vince Morgan ................................... 2 5 56
10: cwdjrxyz ....................................... 3 7 60
============================================================ ================
==================== Top Threads By Number of Messages =====================
Thread Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: font face question.............................................. 20
2: Form layout problem............................................. 17
3: code does not validate.......................................... 15
4: frames are dead................................................. 14
5: Habari Xenu CSS "chrome" - element problem...................... 12
6: Spam about the "persecuted" man................................. 12
7: Help me block the MI5 crap w/outlook............................ 11
8: Do not want wrap around......................................... 8
9: opera....................................................... .... 8
10: Validation errors from outside source........................... 8
11: Thumbnails with captions........................................ 7
12: table td font size inheritance.................................. 6
13: ALT.HTML Statistics for 23/12/2007.............................. 6
14: Wrapping Text Around An Image?.................................. 6
15: nested div height problem....................................... 5
16: background color not working as expected........................ 5
17: W3C......................................................... .... 5
18: why...islam?................................................ .... 5
19: Mozilla Firefox vs Windows Internet Explorer v.7.0.............. 4
20: How to make a div disappear with CSS?........................... 4
============================================================ ================
======================= Top Threads By Size (kbytes) =======================
Thread Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: font face question.............. 20 10 17 5 53
2: ALT.HTML Statistics for 23/12/2. 4 5 22 0 33
3: code does not validate.......... 15 9 6 0 32
4: frames are dead................. 14 7 8 0 30
5: Form layout problem............. 15 6 4 0 27
6: why...islam?.................... 5 0 21 0 27
7: Habari Xenu CSS "chrome" - elem. 14 3 5 0 24
8: Help me block the MI5 crap w/ou. 11 5 5 0 22
9: Spam about the "persecuted" man. 11 5 2 1 20
10: M I-5 Persecu tion ' Molestatio. 0 0 17 0 17
11: The Tears Of Finding The Truth.. 1 0 16 0 17
12: M`I,5.Pers ecution ` B BC Newsc. 0 0 16 0 17
13: M.I,5`Pe rsecution - Fo ur Year. 0 0 12 0 14
14: Validation errors from outside . 8 3 1 0 14
15: opera........................... 8 3 1 0 14
16: M I-5 Pers ecution ' MI 5 Wast . 0 0 5 7 13
17: M`I 5`P ersecution - Comparing . 0 0 11 0 11
18: table td font size inheritance.. 5 2 2 0 11
19: Do not want wrap around......... 8 1 1 0 11
20: Embedding QuickTime movie....... 3 2 4 0 10
============================================================ ================
========================= Most Replied-To Messages =========================
Message-ID Replies
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
4: <47723645$0$21192$>...................... 4
6: <4Ztcj.75494$GV4.62157@trnddc05>................................ 4
9: <0001HW.C39CB1BB01D083F1B01AD9AF@News.Individual.Net>........... 3
========================= Most Cross-Posted Groups =========================
Group Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: alt.html.critique........................................... .... 5
2: alt.horror.lounge........................................... .... 5
3: alt.horror.................................................. .... 5
4: alt.horror.cthulhu.......................................... .... 5
5: alt.hsb.wikipedia........................................... .... 1
6: .... 1
============================================================ ================
=================== Top User-Agents by Number of Posters ===================
User-Agent Posters
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: G2.......................................................... .... 25
2: Outlook Express................................................. 10
3: unknown..................................................... .... 7
4: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 6
5: Forte Agent..................................................... 4
6: Mozilla..................................................... .... 4
7: Xnews....................................................... .... 4
8: slrn........................................................ .... 4
9: 40tude Dialog................................................... 2
10: Pan......................................................... .... 2
============================================================ ================
================== Top User-Agents by Number of Messages ===================
User-Agent Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Outlook Express................................................. 49
2: G2.......................................................... .... 44
3: MT-NewsWatcher.............................................. .... 30
4: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 27
5: Xnews....................................................... .... 18
6: Mozilla..................................................... .... 15
7: Pan......................................................... .... 11
8: slrn........................................................ .... 9
9: 40tude Dialog................................................... 7
10: unknown..................................................... .... 7
============================================================ ================
======= Bandwidth-Wasting User-Agents by Average Header Size (bytes) =======
User-Agent Hdrs Msgs Avg
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: 40tude Dialog................................... 8671 7 1238
2: Xnews........................................... 22289 18 1238
3: Pan............................................. 13220 11 1201
4: Mozilla......................................... 17649 15 1176
5: G2.............................................. 50813 44 1154
6: Outlook Express................................. 48162 49 982
7: Mozilla Thunderbird............................. 26045 27 964
8: Forte Agent..................................... 5697 6 949
9: slrn............................................ 7918 9 879
10: MT-NewsWatcher.................................. 24666 30 822
============================================================ ================
===================== Top Servers by Number of Posters =====================
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: .... 25
2: .... 8
3: .... 7
4: .... 2
5: .... 2
6: .... 2
7: .... 2
8: .... 1
9: ALLTEL.NET-a2kHrUvQQWlmc.................................... .... 1
10: .... 1
============================================================ ================
======================= Top Servers by Size (kbytes) =======================
Server Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: 49 7 70 0 128
2: 5 1 63 7 78
3: 29 18 17 0 65
4: 24 12 6 2 46
5: 18 5 6 0 31
6: 16 9 3 0 29
7: 12 6 10 0 29
8: 0 0 21 0 21
9: NAXS.COM-a2kHrUvQQWlmc.......... 9 5 3 0 19
10: 5 3 4 4 18
============================================================ ================
=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Posters ====================
Zone Posters
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: -0800 (PST)..................................................... 25
2: UTC......................................................... .... 24
3: -0500....................................................... .... 9
4: +0100....................................................... .... 7
5: +1100....................................................... .... 3
6: -0600....................................................... .... 2
7: -0800....................................................... .... 2
8: +0200....................................................... .... 2
9: -0700....................................................... .... 1
10: +1000....................................................... .... 1
============================================================ ================
=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Messages ===================
Zone Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: UTC......................................................... .... 81
2: -0800 (PST)..................................................... 44
3: +1100....................................................... .... 33
4: -0500....................................................... .... 24
5: +0100....................................................... .... 18
6: -0800....................................................... .... 9
7: +0200....................................................... .... 9
8: -0600....................................................... .... 7
9: +1000....................................................... .... 6
10: -0700....................................................... .... 2
============================================================ ================
================= Days When We are Most in Need of a Life ==================
Day Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Mon......................................................... .... 32
2: Tue......................................................... .... 8
3: Wed......................................................... .... 42
4: Thu......................................................... .... 46
5: Fri......................................................... .... 39
6: Sat......................................................... .... 31
7: Sun......................................................... .... 26
8: Non-RFC822 Header............................................... 10
============================================================ ================
Stats compiled by Toby Inkster.
Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
Sharing Music with Apple iTunes