Another new PHP programmer question...
am 03.01.2008 09:56:58 von Ben Stones
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Thank you for your help previously everyone, I was able to fix that problem.
The thing now, is that I want to add smileys to the messages; i.e. :) would
equal to a smiley image when posting a message.
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","removed","removed") or die("con");
$db = mysql_select_db("ben_test") or die("db");
$post = $_POST['comment'];
echo "Post rejected, field left empty
else if(is_numeric($post)){
echo "Post rejected, numeric data submitted
else if(preg_match("/www/", $post)) {
echo "Post rejected. Advertising is prohibited!
else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `comments`(`messages`) VALUES ('$post')") or
$mysql_query_one = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `comments`");
while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($mysql_query_one)) {
echo $rows['messages'] . "
I have grasped quite a lot so far, and added many complementry features,
however this is only my first script - so hence it is pretty much basic as
it is!
Thanks once again, hoping someone can assist me further.
Re: Another new PHP programmer question...
am 04.01.2008 00:22:47 von dmagick
Ben Stones wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you for your help previously everyone, I was able to fix that problem.
> The thing now, is that I want to add smileys to the messages; i.e. :) would
> equal to a smiley image when posting a message.
Assuming you have images/smiley.gif on your server, it's pretty simple:
echo '
at the right place.
> else {
> mysql_query("INSERT INTO `comments`(`messages`) VALUES ('$post')") or
> die(mysql_error());
> }
You're still not escaping your data and you will run into problems
unless you start doing it.
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Re: Another new PHP programmer question...
am 04.01.2008 17:12:17 von parasane
On Jan 3, 2008 3:56 AM, Ben Stones wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you for your help previously everyone, I was able to fix that problem.
> The thing now, is that I want to add smileys to the messages; i.e. :) would
> equal to a smiley image when posting a message.
Where you want that, add this:
$smile = array(':-)' => 'smile',
':)' => 'smile',
';-)' => 'wink',
';)' => 'wink',
':-P' => 'tongue',
':P' => 'tongue');
foreach($smile as $p => $v) {
// The following is done to allow the regexp to function normally.
$p = str_replace(')','\)',str_replace('(','\(',$p));
$post = preg_replace('/'.$p.'/U','
src="/graphics/smileys/'.$v.'.gif" />',$post);
This assumes that you have smiley images in /graphics/smileys/ and
that they're .gif images named as shown in the second part of each
array item.
Also, keep in mind that, before you insert ANY user-posted data
into your database, you should escape it. For example:
$post = mysql_real_escape_string($post);
Daniel P. Brown
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If at first you don't succeed, stick to what you know best so that you
can make enough money to pay someone else to do it for you.
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