Re: problem when submitting a string through a form
am 03.01.2008 19:00:22 von skieros
Here is as it is now: you can view it at
if you want
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI qw(:standard);
use DBI;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Encode;
my ($select, $article, $row, $data);
my $date =3D strftime('%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime);
my $display_date =3D strftime('%a %d %b, %I:%M %p', localtime);
Encode::from_to($display_date, 'ISO-8859-7', 'utf8');
my $host =3D gethostbyaddr (pack ("C4", split (/\./,
$host =3D "Administrator" if ( ($host =3D~ /dell/) or ($host =3D~ /
localhost/) );
#===================3D=3 D=====3D=
==================== =====3D=
==================== =====3D=
my $db =3D ( $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} !~ /varsa/ )
? DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:orthodox;localhost', 'root', '*****',
: DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:nikosva_orthodox;' ,
'nikosva_nikos', '****', {RaiseError=3D>1});
#===================3D=3 D=====3D=
==================== =====3D=
==================== =====3D=
print header( -charset=3D>'utf-8' );
my $article =3D param('select') || "Áñ÷éêÞ Óåëßäá!";=
my @files =3D glob "$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/data/text/*.txt";
my @display_files =3D map m{([^/]+)\.txt}, @files;
Encode::from_to($_, 'ISO-8859-7', 'utf8') for @display_files;
if ( param('select') ) { #If user selected an item from the drop
down menu
unless ( grep { $_ eq param('select') } @display_files ) #Unless
user selection doesn't match one of the valid filenames within
if( param('select') =3D~ /\0/ )
$article =3D "*Null Byte Injection* attempted & logged!";
print br() x 2, h1( {class=3D>'big'}, $article );
if( param('select') =3D~ /\/\.\./ )
$article =3D "*Backwards Directory Traversal* attempted &
print br() x 2, h1( {class=3D>'big'}, $article );
$select =3D $db->prepare( "UPDATE guestlog SET article=3D?, date=3D?,
counter=3Dcounter+1 WHERE host=3D?" );
$select->execute( $article, $date, $host );
exit 0;
$article =3D decode('utf8', param('select' ));
Encode::from_to($article, 'utf8', 'ISO-8859-7');
open FILE, "<$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/data/text/$article.txt" or die
local $/;
$data =3D ;
close FILE;
$select =3D $db->prepare( "UPDATE guestlog SET article=3D?, date=3D?,
counter=3Dcounter+1 WHERE host=3D?" );
$select->execute( $article, $date, $host );
else {
$select =3D $db->prepare( "SELECT host FROM guestlog WHERE host=3D?" );
$select->execute( $host );
if ($select->rows)
$select =3D $db->prepare( "SELECT host, DATE_FORMAT(date, '%a %d
%b, %h:%i') AS date, counter, article FROM guestlog WHERE host=3D?" );
$select->execute( $host );
$row =3D $select->fetchrow_hashref;
$data =3D "Êáëþ=F2 Þëèå=F2 $host! ×áßñïì=
áé ðï=F5 âñßóêåéò ôç=ED óåëßäá
Ôåëåõôáß=E1 öïñÜ Þñèå=F2 =E5=
äþ ùò $row->{host} óôéò $row-
>{date} !
Ðñïçãïýìåíïò áñéèìþ=ED =
åðéóêÝøåùí =3D> $row->{counter}
Ôåëåõôáß=E1 åßäå=F2 ôï êåß=
ìåíï [ $row->{article} ]
Ðïéü êåßìåí=EF èá ìåëåôÞ=
óåéò áõôÞ=ED ôç=ED öïñÜ !?";
$select =3D $db->prepare( "UPDATE guestlog SET date=3D?,
counter=3Dcounter+1 WHERE host=3D?" );
$select->execute( $date, $host );
if ($host eq "Administrator") {
$data =3D "ÃåéÜ óï=F5 Íéêüëá! Ðþ=F2 =F0=
Üí=E5 ôá êÝöé=E1? ;-)";
else {
$data =3D "ÃåéÜ óï=F5 $host!
¸ñ÷åóá=E9 ãé=E1 1=E7 öïñÜ åä=
=FE !!
Åëðßæù íá âñåß=F2 ôá êåß=
ìåíá åíäéáöÝñïíôá :-)";
unless ($host eq "Administrator") {
$select =3D $db->prepare( "INSERT INTO guestlog (host, date,
article, counter) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)" );
$select->execute( $host, $date, $article, 1 );
for ($data) {
#======OK, $data set up. Now print header, start_html and JavaSc=
-script =3D> [
"var textToShow =3D '$data';",
-language =3D> 'JAVASCRIPT',
-src =3D> '/data/scripts/char_by_char.js'
-style =3D> '/data/scripts/style.css',
-title =3D> 'Ïñèüäïîá ÐíåõìáôéêÜ =C8=
-onload =3D> 'init();'
a({href=3D>'/cgi-bin/'}, img{src=3D>'/data/images/reg.jpg'}),
h1({class=3D>'lime'}, "ÅðÝëåî=E5 ôï êåßìåí=EF =
ðï=F5 óå åíäéáöÝñåé =3D> ",
popup_menu( -name=3D>'select', -values=3D>
\@display_files ),
div({id =3D> "DivText"}),
#===================3D=3 D=====3D=
==================== =====3D=
==================== =====3D=
The problem is that when the user selects something from my popup
menu(one string) and then submits it, the returned string being sent
back to my ain't matching this line: unless ( grep { $_ eq
param('select') } @display_files )
and that fact led to believe that the browser or something else
somehow malformes the original value(the one selected before
I though that this line would take care of the problem coverting it
properly to utf8 but it doesnt :(
$article =3D decode('utf8', param('select' ));
please help
Re: problem when submitting a string through a form
am 09.01.2008 14:02:13 von skieros
I decided to try as far as i could to make a single test script, which
i actually embedded into my file, so to PROVE my initial
guess that there was no need to NOT expect the returned string as
being the same as the original, hence no encoding being necessary to
be performed. Here it is:
if ( param('select') ) { #If user selected an item from the drop down
menu unless( grep /^\Q$article\E$/, @menu_files ) #Unless user
selection doesn't match one of the valid filenames within
@menu_files ......}} print param('select'), ' - ',
length( param('select') ), br() x2; foreach( @menu_files ) { my $match
=3D ($_ eq param('select')) ? "matches" : "fails to match"; print $_, '
- ', length( $_ ), ' - ', $match, br; } Encode::from_to($article,
'utf8', 'ISO-8859-7'); open FILE, "<$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/data/text/
$article.txt" or die $!; ........
As you can see i'am checking the returned parameter against
@menu_files so to see if when i print them they look the same and when
i also print their lengths they are equal.
The result is the parameter string is identical to its corresponding
item inside @menu_files.
Both strings are perl-internal utf8 flagged strings because when i
print their lengths i get a number twice as much as the chars that
consist the filename. For example if a filename is called "íßêï=F2" =
get length 10 before and after the submission, which means that both
are stored in a utf8 perl internal manner/way.
So, after this i gather you agree with me that no encoding/decoding
processes being necessary.