Another OE Question

Another OE Question

am 07.01.2008 14:33:00 von gagejennifer

I know that I had a previous question about OE. And in it I said that somehow
my son managed to get another version of it in my computer. Every time I want
to use it, it asks for some kind of activation key. (which I do not have and
dont' know how to get) But my new question is, if I uninstall this version of
OE in my computer, will I get the previous version in it ?. I'm having
problems with my computer right now and I can't seem to install anything new
in it. Can anyone offer advice to me ?. (I'm using Windows XP)

Re: Another OE Question

am 07.01.2008 15:32:00 von pvdg42

"gagejennifer" wrote in message
>I know that I had a previous question about OE. And in it I said that
> my son managed to get another version of it in my computer. Every time I
> want
> to use it, it asks for some kind of activation key. (which I do not have
> and
> dont' know how to get) But my new question is, if I uninstall this version
> of
> OE in my computer, will I get the previous version in it ?. I'm having
> problems with my computer right now and I can't seem to install anything
> new
> in it. Can anyone offer advice to me ?. (I'm using Windows XP)

Ask your question in a group dedicated to XP or OE if you want useful
answers. This is
a .NET programming group.

To find a XP group: t.aspx?guid=1080912A-26C5-7040-AFDD-2224A4FEB3EA

Select your language from the Tree View on the left, then scroll down to
Windows. In the Windows category, open Windows XP and find an applicable
group there.

To find an OE group, use the link above, in the Windows category, open the
Outlook Express node and find a group there.