Easy way to create a Mac app bundle that runs a Perl script?
am 08.01.2008 18:50:24 von amirkarger
I've got a Perl script that I'd like to turn into a Mac app, such that
you can double-click it and it will run. I've learned (just barely)
enough AppleScript to tell Terminal to do script. But if I need to do
this for a bunch of Perl scripts, it could get tedious with the
I think Platypus doesn't quite do what I want, since my script needs
to do IO, and patypus will only let you do O.
I would like to have a script where you say
perl make_app_bundle.pl -name myapp -perl perl_script.pl -
applescript applescript.scpt
which will:
- make myapp.app directory
- make Info.plist and other needed stuff
- put applescript.scpt in Contents/Resources/Scripts (right?)
- put perl_script.pl in Contents/Resources (or something)
- do other mystical things that Mac apps require
It seems like a sort of "make dist" functionality, I guess.
Does something like this exist? Is there somewhere else I should be
asking this?
-Amir Karger
Re: Easy way to create a Mac app bundle that runs a Perl script?
am 08.01.2008 21:15:49 von Sherm Pendley
amirkarger@gmail.com writes:
> I've got a Perl script that I'd like to turn into a Mac app, such that
> you can double-click it and it will run. I've learned (just barely)
> enough AppleScript to tell Terminal to do script. But if I need to do
> this for a bunch of Perl scripts, it could get tedious with the
> ScriptEditor.
> I think Platypus doesn't quite do what I want, since my script needs
> to do IO, and patypus will only let you do O.
> I would like to have a script where you say
> perl make_app_bundle.pl -name myapp -perl perl_script.pl -
> applescript applescript.scpt
> which will:
> - make myapp.app directory
> - make Info.plist and other needed stuff
> - put applescript.scpt in Contents/Resources/Scripts (right?)
> - put perl_script.pl in Contents/Resources (or something)
> - do other mystical things that Mac apps require
> It seems like a sort of "make dist" functionality, I guess.
> Does something like this exist?
It uses Xcode for building the .app though, and Interface Builder for the
GUI elements. When in Rome, do as the Romans do...
My blog: http://shermspace.blogspot.com
Cocoa programming in Perl: http://camelbones.sourceforge.net