Embedding an html application into a static html page

Embedding an html application into a static html page

am 09.01.2008 03:29:50 von jeff_j_dunlap

Dear forum members:

I have created an html calculator in C++ which I imagine is very
similar to something written in Perl or PHP. It has an html form
interface and produces html output, http://app.directcorrespondentlender.com/AmortBrowser.srf
and I would like to embed this calculator into a static web page.
Something like this:

......static html content
......calculator (application)

When the user presses the 'Calculate' submit button, I would like for
the calculations to appear in the same page.

Today, I put the calculator inside of an iframe but it looked cludgy
since you'd have to scroll the iframe to see the calculation results.
I also don't think that a regular frame would look nice.

My only solution may be to have the C++ application 'read' the static
html file and combine it with my calculator output, then display the
html output, but an embedded solution would be ideal for me. Would
AJAX be a good solution for this?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated,


Re: Embedding an html application into a static html page

am 09.01.2008 09:51:47 von Ben C

On 2008-01-09, jeff_j_dunlap@yahoo.com wrote:
> Dear forum members:
> I have created an html calculator in C++ which I imagine is very
> similar to something written in Perl or PHP. It has an html form
> interface and produces html output, http://app.directcorrespondentlender.com/AmortBrowser.srf
> and I would like to embed this calculator into a static web page.
> Something like this:
> static_doc.html
> .....static html content
> .....calculator (application)
> When the user presses the 'Calculate' submit button, I would like for
> the calculations to appear in the same page.
> Today, I put the calculator inside of an iframe but it looked cludgy
> since you'd have to scroll the iframe to see the calculation results.
> I also don't think that a regular frame would look nice.
> My only solution may be to have the C++ application 'read' the static
> html file and combine it with my calculator output, then display the
> html output, but an embedded solution would be ideal for me. Would
> AJAX be a good solution for this?
> Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated,

As far as I know AJAX is the only solution apart from the other two
things you mention-- delivering the whole page again or using frames.

The only way to update part of a document from the server while leaving the
rest of it there is to use AJAX.

Another alternative is just to write the mortgage calculator in
JavaScript (or, less popular these days, in a Java applet) instead of
C++. Then it can run on the user's machine, saving you CPU cycles and
carbon credits.

Re: Embedding an html application into a static html page

am 09.01.2008 10:29:48 von Chaddy2222

On Jan 9, 7:51=A0pm, Ben C wrote:
> On 2008-01-09, jeff_j_dun...@yahoo.com wrote:
> > Dear forum members:
> > I have created an html calculator in C++ which I imagine is very
> > similar to something written in Perl or PHP. =A0It has an html form
> > interface and produces html output,http://app.directcorrespondentlender.=
> > and I would like to embed this calculator into a static web page.
> > Something like this:
> > static_doc.html
> > .....static html content
> > .....calculator (application)
> > When the user presses the 'Calculate' submit button, I would like for
> > the calculations to appear in the same page.
> > Today, I put the calculator inside of an iframe but it looked cludgy
> > since you'd have to scroll the iframe to see the calculation results.
> > I also don't think that a regular frame would look nice.
> > My only solution may be to have the C++ application 'read' the static
> > html file and combine it with my calculator output, then display the
> > html output, but an embedded solution would be ideal for me. =A0Would
> > AJAX be a good solution for this?
> > Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated,
> As far as I know AJAX is the only solution apart from the other two
> things you mention-- delivering the whole page again or using frames.
> The only way to update part of a document from the server while leaving th=
> rest of it there is to use AJAX.
> Another alternative is just to write the mortgage calculator in
> JavaScript (or, less popular these days, in a Java applet) instead of
> C++. Then it can run on the user's machine, saving you CPU cycles and
> carbon credits.- Hide quoted text -
What about PHP or ASP. They would work fine for the task as hand
(including a bit of HTML in another page).
Regards Chad. http://freewebdesignonline.org

Re: Embedding an html application into a static html page

am 09.01.2008 11:09:50 von Ben C

On 2008-01-09, Chaddy2222 wrote:
> On Jan 9, 7:51 pm, Ben C wrote:
>> > similar to something written in Perl or PHP.  It has an html form
>> > interface and produces html output,http://app.directcorrespondentlender.com/AmortBrowser .srf
>> > My only solution may be to have the C++ application 'read' the static
>> > html file and combine it with my calculator output, then display the
>> > html output, but an embedded solution would be ideal for me.  Would
>> > AJAX be a good solution for this?
>> > Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated,
>> As far as I know AJAX is the only solution apart from the other two
>> things you mention-- delivering the whole page again or using frames.
>> The only way to update part of a document from the server while leaving the
>> rest of it there is to use AJAX.
>> Another alternative is just to write the mortgage calculator in
>> JavaScript (or, less popular these days, in a Java applet) instead of
>> C++. Then it can run on the user's machine, saving you CPU cycles and
>> carbon credits.- Hide quoted text -
> What about PHP or ASP. They would work fine for the task as hand
> (including a bit of HTML in another page).

Those would be fine choices, but don't they run on the server just like
the OP's C++ program? The difficulty is then the same: how to do partial
updates to display the results.

Re: Embedding an html application into a static html page

am 09.01.2008 11:49:47 von TravisNewbury

On Jan 8, 9:29 pm, jeff_j_dun...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Dear forum members:

Ohhh a virgin....

> I have created an html calculator in C++ which I imagine is very
> similar to something written in Perl or PHP....

This sounds like a perfect use of Flash

Re: Embedding an html application into a static html page

am 09.01.2008 17:49:09 von jeff_j_dunlap

> As far as I know AJAX is the only solution apart from the other two
> things you mention-- delivering the whole page again or using frames.

I created an earlier system just like that, delivering the whole page
again, and this is probably what I will do with this calculator as

> The only way to update part of a document from the server while
> leaving the rest of it there is to use AJAX.

Even if I were to use AJAX (which I've never used), I think I'd still
have the problem of embedding this calculator into the static html
page since iframes/frames are not an option due to the cludgy

Since it does not appear to be possible in html, does anyone know if
javascript can be included in my static html file which then calls the
url in my original post, causing the calculator to 'embed' itself at
that particular point? After embedding the html, maybe AJAX can be
used to display the table of calculations resulting when the user