Using load_font in dompdf

Using load_font in dompdf

am 10.01.2008 22:23:22 von Mark Tempe

I've been trying to get Polish characters in my pdf which is generated
using dompdf class... Well, I've got them finally, but they aren't
displayed correctly. I know that it is a problem with their width, and
I've read that I can fix it using load_font.php and generating
correct .afm files. Did anybody use it before? I am using this

php load_font.php Trebuc trebuc.ttf trebucbd.ttf trebucit.ttf

and I get:
'Generating .afm for trebuc.ttf...'
And after this a message which says that there is a syntax error in
this command. I think that command is correct and error is somewhere
else. I don't know where.
If anybody could help me, I will be very grateful because I've been
trying to solve this for days now...
And I'm tired..

Wiem, =BFe temat dompdf by=B3 ju=BF wa=B3kowany i czyta=B3em te posty - mam
polskie litery, tylko mam problem z ich szeroko=B6ci=B1. Znalaz=B3em post na=

forum, na kt=F3rym u=BFytkownik 'krokiet' t=B3umaczy spos=F3b, w jaki on to
zrobi=B3 (
ale mnie on nie dzia=B3a. Wpisuj=EA w lini=EA polece=F1:
php load_font.php Trebuc trebuc.ttf trebucbd.ttf trebucit.ttf

I to powinno wygenerowa=E6 pliki .afm.
Mam komunikat o kopiowaniu plik=F3w ttf, a potem:

Generating .afm for trebuc.ttf...
Sk=B3adnia polecenia jest niepoprawna .

Ale sk=B3adni=EA polecenia skopiowa=B3em z przyk=B3adu.. Czcionki te=BF
poumieszcza=B3em tam gdzie trzeba. Naprawd=EA nie wiem co robi=E6 :/
Bardzo prosz=EAo pomoc i pozdrawiam.