

am 10.01.2008 04:30:58 von siri isha

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I have a small doubt regarding perl. Can please help me out...

Usually in perl to count the occurance of a specific variable in the input
we will use "count".
I want to know whether we can assign differnt variables and can be able to
count the total no of that variables in the input...

m_sites = ' ggwxy ', ' ggvtew ', ' gyhtdj ' , ' hhhwqr ' .
i want to know what we can do to count the total no of m_sites in the

Thanks in advance

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I have a small doubt regarding perl. Can please help me out...

Usually in perl to count the occurance of a specific variable in the input

we will use "count".

 I want to know whether we can assign differnt variables and can be able to

 count the total no of that variables in the input...


       m_sites  =  ' ggwxy ',  ' ggvtew ', '  gyhtdj ' , ' hhhwqr ' .

 i want to know what we can do to count the total no of m_sites in the


Thanks in advance



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Re: perl

am 10.01.2008 04:46:42 von Bill Luebkert

siri isha wrote:
> Hi
> I have a small doubt regarding perl. Can please help me out...
> Usually in perl to count the occurance of a specific variable in the input
> we will use "count".
> I want to know whether we can assign differnt variables and can be able to
> count the total no of that variables in the input...
> m_sites = ' ggwxy ', ' ggvtew ', ' gyhtdj ' , ' hhhwqr ' .
> i want to know what we can do to count the total no of m_sites in the
> input

That's pretty cryptic. Is m_sites supposed to be a Perl vrbl (ie: $m_sites)
or maybe a config file line ?

If it's a Perl vrbl, you could do a split on /\s*,\s*/ and the array size
would be your count.

Better to post actual code than some strange looking example as above.
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