getting a count on records...what order?
am 11.01.2008 17:13:16 von SparksI have always just got a count on records and put up a box at the top
of the entry forms saying something like 1 of 500 and updating it as
you got to 500 of 500.
I have never thought of this as meaning anything just a reference.
Now they are wanting it for lookups, even though I have lookup
pulldowns based on other criteria..
Well we want to see rec 200 on the report and an easy way to go to
record 200.
(I constantly warned them that record number 200 today may NOT bet
record 200 tomorrow.)
ok so I just thought about each time I get the count or update it
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Tblmain")
count = 0
With rs
Do Until .EOF
If Not (IsNull(!AutoID)) Then
count = count + 1
End If
End With
this is just the simple code I was using to count records and I added
the code
!RecNumber = count
and thought maybe that would work.
BUT there is a problem
I thru some numbers in a database for a quick try...deleted some
records and then ran this and this is what I got
AutoID person ID RecNumber
1 93511 8
2 488393 9
6 498900 3
7 494129 4
8 498725 5
9 497437 6
10 500713 7
11 998323 1
WHAT in the world or how in the world did I get this.