Chinese characters in IE6 now showing correctly

Chinese characters in IE6 now showing correctly

am 12.01.2008 22:34:46 von Fister


How do I get Chinese characters to show correctly in IE6? They're all displayed
as a square symbol. The page looks fine in IE7 and Firefox. This is the header:

Chinese test

I've tried writting the Chinese characters as themselves and their unicode
character reference, e.g. 〹 but none of them show correctly in IE6.


Re: Chinese characters in IE6 now showing correctly

am 13.01.2008 00:06:29 von jkorpela

Scripsit Fister:

> How do I get Chinese characters to show correctly in IE6?

This is a long story, but you could make it shorter by providing a URL.

> They're all displayed as a square symbol. The page looks fine in IE7
> and Firefox.

The symptoms suggest that the problem might be in the browser, or in the
system, which might lack a font containing Chinese characters.

> This is the header:

So what? If there's an HTTP header specifying the charset, then your
meta tag for it is ignored. So what's the URL?

> I've tried writting the Chinese characters as themselves and their
> unicode character reference, e.g. 〹 but none of them show
> correctly in
> IE6.

Is 〹 a Chinese character?

Anyway, character references should work independently of encoding, and
IE 6 has no problem with this. But there might be a font problem. Can
you type Chinese characters anywhere, e.g. in the CharMap program?

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

Re: Chinese characters in IE6 now showing correctly

am 13.01.2008 14:02:14 von Fister

Hello Jukka,

>> How do I get Chinese characters to show correctly in IE6?
> This is a long story, but you could make it shorter by providing a
> URL.

On the page below the characters look fine in IE7 and Firefox but not in IE6:

Do I need to install something to get looking correctly in IE6?

Re: Chinese characters in IE6 now showing correctly

am 13.01.2008 14:36:28 von Neredbojias

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 13:02:14
GMT Fister scribed:

>>> How do I get Chinese characters to show correctly in IE6?
>> This is a long story, but you could make it shorter by providing a
>> URL.
> On the page below the characters look fine in IE7 and Firefox but not
> in IE6:
> Do I need to install something to get looking correctly in IE6?

I don't see any Chinese in anything (except the gif.) In your text, I get
question marks with Firefox and boxes with IE 7.

The page doesn't validate, which may be part of the problem. The converter
seems to depend on javascript which, since that's the whole purpose of the
page, is a problem, too.

Riches are their own reward.

Re: Chinese characters in IE6 now showing correctly

am 13.01.2008 15:09:39 von Shion

Neredbojias wrote:
> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 13:02:14
> GMT Fister scribed:
>>>> How do I get Chinese characters to show correctly in IE6?
>>> This is a long story, but you could make it shorter by providing a
>>> URL.
>> On the page below the characters look fine in IE7 and Firefox but not
>> in IE6:
>> Do I need to install something to get looking correctly in IE6?
> I don't see any Chinese in anything (except the gif.) In your text, I get
> question marks with Firefox and boxes with IE 7.

Thats for you don't have support for Chinese characters on your system or you
display it with the wrong character setup (iso instead of utf).

> The page doesn't validate, which may be part of the problem. The converter
> seems to depend on javascript which, since that's the whole purpose of the
> page, is a problem, too.

Those validation faults are minor in this case fo%2Ftools%2Fconverter%2Fchars2uninumbers.html&charset=%28de tect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0

The page render well when it comes to the Chinese characters under Linux:
SeaMonkey 1.1.7
Opera 9.20

Trouble with none Chinese characters (́, ̌) under Linux:
Konqueror 3.5.7
MSIE 6.0.2800.1106

In Konqueror I get two boxes above Taibei and in MSIE I only get "' of Taibei.

All the browsers has the same access to all fonts, but may have different
default fonts. I would guess that MSIE6 has some trouble with UTF-8 and/or NCRs.



Re: Chinese characters in IE6 now showing correctly

am 13.01.2008 15:58:08 von lws4art

Fister wrote:
> Hello Jukka,
>>> How do I get Chinese characters to show correctly in IE6?
>> This is a long story, but you could make it shorter by providing a
>> URL.
> On the page below the characters look fine in IE7 and Firefox but not in
> IE6:
> Do I need to install something to get looking correctly in IE6?

Looks fine for me with IE7, 6.01, 5.5, 5.01, 4.01 fails on IE3 ;-) I
think it is a system setup problem, not browser specific.

Take care,


Re: Chinese characters in IE6 now showing correctly

am 13.01.2008 17:04:43 von jkorpela

Scripsit Fister:

> On the page below the characters look fine in IE7 and Firefox but not
> in IE6:

People's reports on this seem differ in a puzzling way.

The page uses a somewhat complicated method to refer to style sheets.
Maybe some references don't work on all browsers. Have you tested with
CSS turned off? (Either using a scriptlet or simply testing with a copy
of the page with all CSS stuff removed.)

Perhaps IE 6 tries to use (due to CSS) a font that does not contain the
Chinese characters needed, even though IE 6 thinks it does.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

Re: Chinese characters in IE6 now showing correctly

am 13.01.2008 20:30:19 von Bergamot

Fister wrote:

"Sorry, this converter won't work in your browser. Please try using a
more modern, standards-compliant browser such as Opera (my favorite),
Mozilla, or Mozilla Firebird."

Firebird? That's been dead and buried for years. Maybe you should do a
little modernizing yourself. ;)
