ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 13.01.2008 21:07:01 von Toby Inkster

=========================== alt.html Statistics ============================
Total posts considered: 528 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun Jan 6 21:02:18 2008
Latest article: Sun Jan 13 20:03:59 2008
Original articles: 47, replies: 481
Total size of posts: 1,338,458 bytes (1,307 kbytes) (1.28 Mbytes)
Average 75 articles per day, 0.18 Mbytes per day, 2,534 bytes per article
Total headers: 650 kbytes, bodies: 656 kbytes
Body: quoted 353 kbytes, original 268 kbytes = 43.19%, sigs 33 kbytes
Total number of posters: 106, average 12,626 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 76, average 17,611 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 21
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- html txt dat
============================================================ ================

==================== Top Posters by Number of Messages =====================
Poster Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Neredbojias .................................................... 35
2: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 28
3: dorayme ........................................................ 28
4: Harlan Messinger ............................................... 24
5: Jerry Stuckle .................................................. 24
6: Alexander Mueller .............................................. 18
7: RafaMinu ....................................................... 18
8: richard ........................................................ 15
9: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................................ 15
10: Gary L. Burnore ................................................ 15
11: Steve .......................................................... 13
12: Jeff ........................................................... 13
13: NvrBst ......................................................... 12
14: Ed Mullen ...................................................... 11
15: Diogenes ....................................................... 10
16: Travis Newbury ................................................. 10
17: Ben C .......................................................... 10
18: Bergamot ....................................................... 10
19: rf ............................................................ . 9
20: Sean ........................................................... 8
============================================================ ================

======================= Top Posters by Size (kbytes) =======================
Poster Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Jerry Stuckle .................. 48 47 6 3 106
2: Neredbojias .................... 48 21 13 1 85
3: RafaMinu ....................... 33 33 15 0 81
4: Jonathan N. Little ............. 34 15 10 2 63
5: Gary L. Burnore ................ 20 24 6 10 61
6: Harlan Messinger ............... 23 20 11 0 54
7: dorayme ........................ 23 13 13 0 50
8: Steve .......................... 19 19 7 0 46
9: Alexander Mueller .............. 21 7 11 0 40
10: NvrBst ......................... 17 12 7 0 38
11: Ed Mullen ...................... 21 9 3 2 35
12: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........ 19 6 3 0 30
13: Ben C .......................... 12 9 4 2 29
14: Jeff ........................... 12 10 4 0 27
15: Toby Inkster ................... 0 0 21 0 22
16: Anthony Levensalor ............. 10 5 5 0 22
17: Diogenes ....................... 11 3 5 0 20
18: richard ........................ 11 4 4 0 19
19: Sean ........................... 10 3 3 0 17
20: Blinky the Shark ............... 11 3 0 0 16
============================================================ ================

================== Top Posters by Original Text (kbytes) ===================
Poster Total
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: RafaMinu ....................................................... 15
2: dorayme ........................................................ 13
3: Neredbojias .................................................... 13
4: Harlan Messinger ............................................... 11
5: Alexander Mueller .............................................. 11
6: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 10
7: NvrBst ......................................................... 7
8: Steve .......................................................... 7
9: Gary L. Burnore ................................................ 6
10: Jerry Stuckle .................................................. 6
============================================================ ================

=================== Highest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Andy Dingley ................................... 0 1 72
2: Jukka K. Korpela ............................... 1 6 71
3: Paul ........................................... 0 2 64
4: Bergamot ....................................... 0 2 64
5: Alexander Mueller .............................. 7 19 59
6: Diogenes ....................................... 3 9 58
7: Sherman Pendley ................................ 2 6 57
8: Travis Newbury ................................. 1 4 56
9: Vince Morgan ................................... 1 3 55
10: dorayme ........................................ 13 27 49
============================================================ ================

==================== Lowest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Jerry Stuckle .................................. 47 57 11
2: Gary L. Burnore ................................ 24 40 15
3: Blinky the Shark ............................... 3 4 15
4: Sheldon Glickler ............................... 6 8 19
5: Ed Mullen ...................................... 9 14 22
6: Jeff ........................................... 10 15 26
7: Steve .......................................... 19 26 27
8: Ben C .......................................... 9 16 29
9: RafaMinu ....................................... 33 48 31
10: palun .......................................... 1 2 31
============================================================ ================

==================== Top Threads By Number of Messages =====================
Thread Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Usability Job Opportunities..................................... 102
2: New Input type proposal......................................... 33
3: HTML Table Question............................................. 29
4: Nom de Plume Complaint (slightly OT)............................ 25
5: What are your users using? IE vs FF and everyone else........... 24
6: analolog clock in the web page.................................. 20
7: What if you don't have a thead/tbody/tfoot?..................... 17
8: iframe question................................................. 16
9: Funny Font Annecdote and Lesson................................. 14
10: favicon.ico vs. IE.............................................. 14
11: Anchor outside div not validating............................... 14
12: Downloading................................................. .... 12
13: Browser use - IE vs everyone else............................... 10
14: css and internet explorer....................................... 9
15: If my host has Wordpress included - what does this mean?........ 9
16: Javascript ticker forces marquee outside box.................... 8
17: Chinese characters in IE6 now showing correctly................. 8
18: iframe or what?................................................. 7
19: Passing a value from a pure HTML script?........................ 7
20: Strange behaviour............................................... 7
============================================================ ================

======================= Top Threads By Size (kbytes) =======================
Thread Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Usability Job Opportunities..... 179 152 45 15 393
2: New Input type proposal......... 38 20 18 1 79
3: HTML Table Question............. 40 22 16 0 79
4: What are your users using? IE v. 31 12 14 1 60
5: Nom de Plume Complaint (slightl. 25 8 6 2 43
6: What if you don't have a thead/. 21 10 10 0 43
7: analolog clock in the web page.. 23 7 6 1 38
8: Downloading..................... 13 13 6 0 33
9: Anchor outside div not validati. 15 8 6 0 31
10: Funny Font Annecdote and Lesson. 13 6 7 0 28
11: favicon.ico vs. IE.............. 14 5 5 0 25
12: iframe question................. 14 5 4 0 24
13: ALT.HTML Statistics for 06/01/2. 0 0 21 0 22
14: Browser use - IE vs everyone el. 9 4 5 0 19
15: Javascript ticker forces marque. 9 5 4 0 19
16: css and internet explorer....... 10 1 4 0 17
17: If my host has Wordpress includ. 10 2 1 0 15
18: Embedding an html application i. 7 4 2 0 14
19: Chinese characters in IE6 now s. 7 2 3 0 13
20: Strange behaviour............... 6 4 2 0 13
============================================================ ================

========================= Most Replied-To Messages =========================
Message-ID Replies
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: 2: <4eda1cbd-e521-4505-81bc-28af39da3a26@d21g2000prf.googlegroup... 8
3: <>..................... 6
4: ............ 6
5: .................. 5
6: .......... 5
7: <1312bc85-e81a-49db-8c88-a4983e54163b@i29g2000prf.googlegroup... 5
8: 9: <>..................... 4
10: <>.................... 4
============================================================ ================

========================= Most Cross-Posted Groups =========================
Group Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: alt.www.webmaster........................................... .... 85
2: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html......................... .... 44
3: comp.lang.php............................................... .... 38
4: alt.html.tags............................................... .... 33
5: .... 30
6: comp.lang.javascript........................................ .... 24
7: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets.................. .... 24
8: calgary.general............................................. .... 23
9: alt.html.................................................... ... 19
10: comp.lang.php............................................... ... 17
============================================================ ================

=================== Top User-Agents by Number of Posters ===================
User-Agent Posters
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: G2.......................................................... .... 30
2: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 20
3: Outlook Express................................................. 15
4: Forte Agent..................................................... 8
5: Mozilla..................................................... .... 5
6: Xnews....................................................... .... 5
7: Pan......................................................... .... 3
8: slrn........................................................ .... 3
9: unknown..................................................... .... 2
10: Forte Free Agent................................................ 2
============================================================ ================

================== Top User-Agents by Number of Messages ===================
User-Agent Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 127
2: G2.......................................................... .... 90
3: Outlook Express................................................. 58
4: Mozilla..................................................... .... 56
5: Xnews....................................................... .... 48
6: Forte Agent..................................................... 41
7: MT-NewsWatcher.............................................. .... 29
8: Pan......................................................... .... 21
9: 40tude Dialog................................................... 15
10: slrn........................................................ .... 12
============================================================ ================

======= Bandwidth-Wasting User-Agents by Average Header Size (bytes) =======
User-Agent Hdrs Msgs Avg
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Gnus............................................ 6993 5 1398
2: G2.............................................. 125234 90 1391
3: Xnews........................................... 66163 48 1378
4: 40tude Dialog................................... 20439 15 1362
5: Mozilla Thunderbird............................. 167410 127 1318
6: slrn............................................ 15690 12 1307
7: Mozilla......................................... 73107 56 1305
8: Pan............................................. 27213 21 1295
9: Outlook Express................................. 67798 58 1168
10: unknown......................................... 5491 5 1098
============================================================ ================

===================== Top Servers by Number of Posters =====================
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: .... 30
2: .... 11
3: .... 5
4: .... 4
5: .... 4
6: .... 4
7: .... 3
8: hw-filter.lga............................................... .... 3
9: .... 3
10: .... 2
============================================================ ================

======================= Top Servers by Size (kbytes) =======================
Server Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: 122 68 74 0 265
2: 77 59 13 6 156
3: 66 30 19 2 118
4: 55 25 17 2 99
5: hw-filter.lga................... 29 27 11 0 69
6: NAXS.COM-a2kHrUvQQWlmc.......... 34 15 10 2 63
7: 20 24 6 10 61
8: 28 14 15 0 58
9: 21 7 11 0 40
10: 10 1 24 2 39
============================================================ ================

=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Posters ====================
Zone Posters
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: -0800 (PST)..................................................... 30
2: UTC......................................................... .... 28
3: -0500....................................................... .... 17
4: +0100....................................................... .... 12
5: -0600....................................................... .... 6
6: +0200....................................................... .... 4
7: -0800....................................................... .... 3
8: +1100....................................................... .... 3
9: -0700....................................................... .... 1
10: +1300....................................................... .... 1
============================================================ ================

=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Messages ===================
Zone Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: -0500....................................................... .... 158
2: UTC......................................................... .... 109
3: -0800 (PST)..................................................... 90
4: +0100....................................................... .... 54
5: -0600....................................................... .... 46
6: +1100....................................................... .... 32
7: +0200....................................................... .... 12
8: -0800....................................................... .... 10
9: +0100 (CET)..................................................... 7
10: +1000....................................................... .... 6
============================================================ ================

================= Days When We are Most in Need of a Life ==================
Day Msgs
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
1: Mon......................................................... .... 110
2: Tue......................................................... .... 71
3: Wed......................................................... .... 86
4: Thu......................................................... .... 66
5: Fri......................................................... .... 57
6: Sat......................................................... .... 30
7: Sun......................................................... .... 105
8: Non-RFC822 Header............................................... 3
============================================================ ================

Stats compiled by Toby Inkster.

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS

NetSol Cybersquatting ng/

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 13.01.2008 23:03:44 von Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Toby Inkster
writing in

> 9: Funny Font Annecdote and Lesson.................................
> 14

Hey, my topic made it, even if I didn't.

Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
Please respond to the group so others can share

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 14.01.2008 05:31:55 von Neredbojias

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 22:03:44 GMT
Adrienne Boswell scribed:

> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Toby Inkster
> writing in
>> 9: Funny Font Annecdote and Lesson.................................
>> 14
> Hey, my topic made it, even if I didn't.

You always make it in my book.

Riches are their own reward.

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 14.01.2008 10:06:46 von Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Neredbojias
writing in

> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 13 Jan 2008
> 22:03:44 GMT Adrienne Boswell scribed:
>> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Toby Inkster
>> writing in
>>> 9: Funny Font Annecdote and Lesson.................................
>>> 14
>> Hey, my topic made it, even if I didn't.
> You always make it in my book.

sshh, dorayme is going to get jealous. Thank you.

Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
Please respond to the group so others can share

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 14.01.2008 10:19:50 von dorayme

In article ,
Adrienne Boswell wrote:

> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Neredbojias
> writing in
> news:Xns9A24DB08E75BAnanopandaneredbojias@
> > Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 13 Jan 2008
> > 22:03:44 GMT Adrienne Boswell scribed:
> >
> >> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Toby Inkster
> >> writing in
> >>
> >>
> >>> 9: Funny Font Annecdote and Lesson.................................
> >>>
> >>> 14
> >>
> >> Hey, my topic made it, even if I didn't.
> >
> > You always make it in my book.
> >
> sshh, dorayme is going to get jealous. Thank you.

I think there is a misunderstanding here. You are most welcome to
him. But be very careful Adrienne. You are an innocent and I
would hate to see you upset. I have extensive reports from my
agents about him and ... well... let me just say... be careful!


Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 14.01.2008 20:59:31 von Neredbojias

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:06:46 GMT
Adrienne Boswell scribed:

>>> Hey, my topic made it, even if I didn't.
>> You always make it in my book.
> sshh, dorayme is going to get jealous. Thank you.

She tossed me over for Luigi a long time ago. Funny thing is I'm Swedish.
Now which would you rather have, the spaghetti or the meatball?

Riches are their own reward.

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 15.01.2008 03:25:40 von Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Neredbojias
writing in

> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Mon, 14 Jan 2008
> 09:06:46 GMT Adrienne Boswell scribed:
>>>> Hey, my topic made it, even if I didn't.
>>> You always make it in my book.
>> sshh, dorayme is going to get jealous. Thank you.
> She tossed me over for Luigi a long time ago. Funny thing is I'm
> Swedish. Now which would you rather have, the spaghetti or the
> meatball?

Rissoto con fungi.

Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
Please respond to the group so others can share

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 15.01.2008 04:51:41 von Neredbojias

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 02:25:40 GMT
Adrienne Boswell scribed:

>>>>> Hey, my topic made it, even if I didn't.
>>>> You always make it in my book.
>>> sshh, dorayme is going to get jealous. Thank you.
>> She tossed me over for Luigi a long time ago. Funny thing is I'm
>> Swedish. Now which would you rather have, the spaghetti or the
>> meatball?
> Rissoto con fungi.

Belissimo! Chef Boyardee or Franco American?

Riches are their own reward.

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 15.01.2008 07:58:51 von Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Neredbojias
writing in

> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 15 Jan 2008
> 02:25:40 GMT Adrienne Boswell scribed:
>>>>>> Hey, my topic made it, even if I didn't.
>>>>> You always make it in my book.
>>>> sshh, dorayme is going to get jealous. Thank you.
>>> She tossed me over for Luigi a long time ago. Funny thing is I'm
>>> Swedish. Now which would you rather have, the spaghetti or the
>>> meatball?
>> Rissoto con fungi.
> Belissimo! Chef Boyardee or Franco American?

No! Dalla cucina di Adrienne Boswell!

Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
Please respond to the group so others can share

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 15.01.2008 11:02:24 von Neredbojias

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 06:58:51 GMT
Adrienne Boswell scribed:

>>>>>>> Hey, my topic made it, even if I didn't.
>>>>>> You always make it in my book.
>>>>> sshh, dorayme is going to get jealous. Thank you.
>>>> She tossed me over for Luigi a long time ago. Funny thing is I'm
>>>> Swedish. Now which would you rather have, the spaghetti or the
>>>> meatball?
>>> Rissoto con fungi.
>> Belissimo! Chef Boyardee or Franco American?
> No! Dalla cucina di Adrienne Boswell!

Homemade? How expeditious! If you choose the 'shrooms properly, not only
can you have a tasty meal, you can get high at the same time! Hint: put a
little grass in the oregano just in case.

Riches are their own reward.

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 15.01.2008 12:45:04 von Toby A Inkster

Neredbojias wrote:

> Homemade? How expeditious!

Risottos are quite cheap and simple to make at home. Jamie Oliver's
Italian cook book (can't remember the the name, but it might have been
"Jamie's Italy") has a very good chapter on risottos, which has helped me
expand my previously somewhat limited risotto repertoire[1]. My top
risotto recommendation from that book is his fennel, ricotta and chilli
risotto -- which is both creamy and delicious.

1. I used to do mushroom risotto and fennel risotto, and that's about it.

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
[Geek of HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python/Apache/Linux]
[OS: Linux, up 15 days, 22:52.]

GPS & Cameras

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 15.01.2008 16:22:45 von Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Neredbojias
writing in

> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 15 Jan 2008
> 06:58:51 GMT Adrienne Boswell scribed:
>>>>>>>> Hey, my topic made it, even if I didn't.
>>>>>>> You always make it in my book.
>>>>>> sshh, dorayme is going to get jealous. Thank you.
>>>>> She tossed me over for Luigi a long time ago. Funny thing is I'm
>>>>> Swedish. Now which would you rather have, the spaghetti or the
>>>>> meatball?
>>>> Rissoto con fungi.
>>> Belissimo! Chef Boyardee or Franco American?
>> No! Dalla cucina di Adrienne Boswell!
> Homemade? How expeditious! If you choose the 'shrooms properly, not
> only can you have a tasty meal, you can get high at the same time!
> Hint: put a little grass in the oregano just in case.

Nope, I just use regular mushrooms and parmigiano-reggiano. I don't
like the other kinds, and 'shrooms never did anything to me except give
me a bad taste in my mouth. For me it's the wine - one glass for the
pot, and two glasses for me! Trader Joes' Two-Buck Chuck, of course.

Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
Please respond to the group so others can share

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 15.01.2008 22:21:07 von Neredbojias

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:45:04
GMT Toby A Inkster scribed:

> Neredbojias wrote:
>> Homemade? How expeditious!
> Risottos are quite cheap and simple to make at home. Jamie Oliver's
> Italian cook book (can't remember the the name, but it might have been
> "Jamie's Italy") has a very good chapter on risottos, which has helped
> me expand my previously somewhat limited risotto repertoire[1]. My top
> risotto recommendation from that book is his fennel, ricotta and
> chilli risotto -- which is both creamy and delicious.
> ___
> 1. I used to do mushroom risotto and fennel risotto, and that's about
> it.

Well, my own culinary skills are like nil, although I once used to know how
to make popcorn. However, that doesn't mean I can't appreciate an
ingestible delicacy, especially when it's cheap. But preparing it is out
of the question. "Man hunts the food, woman serves the food." -The
natural order of things, amen.

Riches are their own reward.

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 15.01.2008 22:26:56 von Neredbojias

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 15:22:45
GMT Adrienne Boswell scribed:

>>>>>>>>> Hey, my topic made it, even if I didn't.
>>>>>>>> You always make it in my book.
>>>>>>> sshh, dorayme is going to get jealous. Thank you.
>>>>>> She tossed me over for Luigi a long time ago. Funny thing is I'm
>>>>>> Swedish. Now which would you rather have, the spaghetti or the
>>>>>> meatball?
>>>>> Rissoto con fungi.
>>>> Belissimo! Chef Boyardee or Franco American?
>>> No! Dalla cucina di Adrienne Boswell!
>> Homemade? How expeditious! If you choose the 'shrooms properly, not
>> only can you have a tasty meal, you can get high at the same time!
>> Hint: put a little grass in the oregano just in case.
> Nope, I just use regular mushrooms and parmigiano-reggiano. I don't
> like the other kinds, and 'shrooms never did anything to me except give
> me a bad taste in my mouth.

Well, to be honest, I've never even seen a hallucenigenic mushroom -
wouldn't know one from a rocky mountain oyster with hemorrhoids standing
on its head. But I like the regular kind, particularly with sausage on

> For me it's the wine - one glass for the
> pot, and two glasses for me! Trader Joes' Two-Buck Chuck, of course.

If you're really a good cook, you could perhaps start a TV show called
"The Tipsy Gourmette". Makes more sense than "The Galloping Gourmet",
don't it?

Riches are their own reward.

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 16.01.2008 02:56:53 von Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Neredbojias
writing in

> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 15 Jan 2008
> GMT Adrienne Boswell scribed:
>>>>>>>>>> Hey, my topic made it, even if I didn't.
>>>>>>>>> You always make it in my book.
>>>>>>>> sshh, dorayme is going to get jealous. Thank you.
>>>>>>> She tossed me over for Luigi a long time ago. Funny thing is
>>>>>>> Swedish. Now which would you rather have, the spaghetti or the
>>>>>>> meatball?
>>>>>> Rissoto con fungi.
>>>>> Belissimo! Chef Boyardee or Franco American?
>>>> No! Dalla cucina di Adrienne Boswell!
>>> Homemade? How expeditious! If you choose the 'shrooms properly,
>>> only can you have a tasty meal, you can get high at the same time!
>>> Hint: put a little grass in the oregano just in case.
>> Nope, I just use regular mushrooms and parmigiano-reggiano. I don't
>> like the other kinds, and 'shrooms never did anything to me except
>> me a bad taste in my mouth.
> Well, to be honest, I've never even seen a hallucenigenic mushroom -
> wouldn't know one from a rocky mountain oyster with hemorrhoids
> on its head. But I like the regular kind, particularly with sausage
> pizza.

They look like regular mushrooms, only they have a green tinge to them,
and they taste NASTY. A long time ago, before there was a Galaxy far,
far away, I was living in Laurel Canyon, and there was a nice older
American Indian gentleman who had a large grocery bag filled with the
things. Curious, I tried one - yuk! - and nothing for my trouble.
Turned out he was the grandfather of a very famous (at the time), kung
fu actor. who had recently destroyed his house in Laurel Canyon - I saw
the toilet that had been knocked off it's foundation in a rage.

>> For me it's the wine - one glass for the
>> pot, and two glasses for me! Trader Joes' Two-Buck Chuck, of course.
> If you're really a good cook, you could perhaps start a TV show called
> "The Tipsy Gourmette". Makes more sense than "The Galloping Gourmet",
> don't it?

I AM a really good cook, but I don't think I would want my own show.
That would involve a lot of standing up, under lights, for many hours a
day. I prefer making an incredible meal, serving it to friends, and
hearing them say "Wow! That's the best [dish name] I've ever had!".
Then I clean up, and have another glass of Chuck, and bask in my

Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
Please respond to the group so others can share

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 16.01.2008 03:10:37 von dorayme

In article ,
Adrienne Boswell wrote:

> I AM a really good cook,

And from what I can see, a less troubled person than the famous
Elizabeth David, the great English Mediterranean cook of the


Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 16.01.2008 08:18:12 von Neredbojias

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 01:56:53
GMT Adrienne Boswell scribed:

>>> Nope, I just use regular mushrooms and parmigiano-reggiano. I don't
>>> like the other kinds, and 'shrooms never did anything to me except
> give
>>> me a bad taste in my mouth.
>> Well, to be honest, I've never even seen a hallucenigenic mushroom -
>> wouldn't know one from a rocky mountain oyster with hemorrhoids
> standing
>> on its head. But I like the regular kind, particularly with sausage
> on
>> pizza.
> They look like regular mushrooms, only they have a green tinge to them,
> and they taste NASTY. A long time ago, before there was a Galaxy far,
> far away, I was living in Laurel Canyon, and there was a nice older
> American Indian gentleman who had a large grocery bag filled with the
> things. Curious, I tried one - yuk! - and nothing for my trouble.
> Turned out he was the grandfather of a very famous (at the time), kung
> fu actor. who had recently destroyed his house in Laurel Canyon - I saw
> the toilet that had been knocked off it's foundation in a rage.

Honestly, in your place, I don't think I would have tried it. I tend to
be pretty conservative when it comes to things like that, and besides,
many Indians still hold a grudge for being shooed off their ancestoral
lands by the White Eyes. Furthermore, I wouldn't want to do anything
silly that would compromise my respect for toilets. Ya never know when
you'll need one...

>>> For me it's the wine - one glass for the
>>> pot, and two glasses for me! Trader Joes' Two-Buck Chuck, of course.
>> If you're really a good cook, you could perhaps start a TV show called
>> "The Tipsy Gourmette". Makes more sense than "The Galloping Gourmet",
>> don't it?
> I AM a really good cook, but I don't think I would want my own show.
> That would involve a lot of standing up, under lights, for many hours a
> day. I prefer making an incredible meal, serving it to friends, and
> hearing them say "Wow! That's the best [dish name] I've ever had!".
> Then I clean up, and have another glass of Chuck, and bask in my
> accolades.

But think of the glamour, the fame, the money, the hunks with a healthy
appetite! Still, I suppose there is _something_ to say for domestic
tranquility. What it is, though, who knows. Btw, I've heard of
Chardonnay, Zinfendel, Burgundy, Port, Ripple and all kinds of wines, but
what the heck is "Chuck"? I have to aver that it doesn't sound exactly
like the epitome of class in upper-echelon wine circles or even
rhombuses. I hope you're not one of them middle-aged housewives who
boozes it up to drown the sorrows of youthful dreams lost or merely
because being smashed seems like a lot of fun whether you're smashed or
sober. There is simply no future in alcohol (-unless you're an
automobile, of course.)

Riches are their own reward.

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 16.01.2008 10:49:48 von Toby A Inkster

Neredbojias wrote:

> Btw, I've heard of Chardonnay, Zinfendel, Burgundy, Port, Ripple and all
> kinds of wines, but what the heck is "Chuck"?

Wine made from the forequarter of cattle?

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
[Geek of HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python/Apache/Linux]
[OS: Linux, up 16 days, 21:01.]

Gnocchi all'Amatriciana al Forno ana/

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 16.01.2008 12:58:32 von Neredbojias

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 09:49:48 GMT
Toby A Inkster scribed:

> Neredbojias wrote:
>> Btw, I've heard of Chardonnay, Zinfendel, Burgundy, Port, Ripple and all
>> kinds of wines, but what the heck is "Chuck"?
> Wine made from the forequarter of cattle?

Hmm, possibly, but I sure hope it doesn't have a bovine bouquet...

Riches are their own reward.

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 16.01.2008 17:02:14 von Ed Mullen

Neredbojias wrote:
> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 09:49:48 GMT
> Toby A Inkster scribed:
>> Neredbojias wrote:
>>> Btw, I've heard of Chardonnay, Zinfendel, Burgundy, Port, Ripple and all
>>> kinds of wines, but what the heck is "Chuck"?
>> Wine made from the forequarter of cattle?
> Hmm, possibly, but I sure hope it doesn't have a bovine bouquet...

Ed Mullen
A Clean House Is A Sign Of A Misspent Life

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 16.01.2008 18:00:39 von lws4art

Neredbojias wrote:
> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 09:49:48 GMT
> Toby A Inkster scribed:
>> Neredbojias wrote:
>>> Btw, I've heard of Chardonnay, Zinfendel, Burgundy, Port, Ripple and all
>>> kinds of wines, but what the heck is "Chuck"?
>> Wine made from the forequarter of cattle?
> Hmm, possibly, but I sure hope it doesn't have a bovine bouquet...

Does the name describe how you serve it, or what happens after you drink

Take care,


Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 17.01.2008 00:10:31 von Neredbojias

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 16:02:14
GMT Ed Mullen scribed:

> Neredbojias wrote:
>> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 16 Jan 2008
>> 09:49:48 GMT Toby A Inkster scribed:
>>> Neredbojias wrote:
>>>> Btw, I've heard of Chardonnay, Zinfendel, Burgundy, Port, Ripple
>>>> and all kinds of wines, but what the heck is "Chuck"?
>>> Wine made from the forequarter of cattle?
>> Hmm, possibly, but I sure hope it doesn't have a bovine bouquet...

Yeah but it's only 2 bucks if you live in California, land of fruits and
nuts. It's likely 3 bucks or more if you live anywhere else. What a

Riches are their own reward.

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 17.01.2008 00:16:46 von Neredbojias

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 17:00:39
GMT Jonathan N. Little scribed:

> Neredbojias wrote:
>> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 16 Jan 2008
>> 09:49:48 GMT Toby A Inkster scribed:
>>> Neredbojias wrote:
>>>> Btw, I've heard of Chardonnay, Zinfendel, Burgundy, Port, Ripple
>>>> and all kinds of wines, but what the heck is "Chuck"?
>>> Wine made from the forequarter of cattle?
>> Hmm, possibly, but I sure hope it doesn't have a bovine bouquet...
> Does the name describe how you serve it, or what happens after you
> drink it?

Ya mean sorta like, "How much Chuck could a woodchuck upchuck before he
chucked the whole darn bottle"?

Riches are their own reward.

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 17.01.2008 03:52:25 von Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Neredbojias
writing in

> Btw, I've heard of
> Chardonnay, Zinfendel, Burgundy, Port, Ripple and all kinds of wines,
> but what the heck is "Chuck"? I have to aver that it doesn't sound
> exactly like the epitome of class in upper-echelon wine circles or
> even rhombuses. I hope you're not one of them middle-aged housewives
> who boozes it up to drown the sorrows of youthful dreams lost or
> merely because being smashed seems like a lot of fun whether you're
> smashed or sober. There is simply no future in alcohol (-unless
> you're an automobile, of course.)

Nope, just frugal. For cooking, Two Buck Chuck is fine. I'm not a
housewife, I'm a single mother - thus the need for being frugal, but still
with good taste.

Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
Please respond to the group so others can share

Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/01/2008

am 17.01.2008 07:32:24 von Neredbojias

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 02:52:25
GMT Adrienne Boswell scribed:

> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Neredbojias
> writing in
> news:Xns9A27315F5BC6nanopandaneredbojias@
>> Btw, I've heard of
>> Chardonnay, Zinfendel, Burgundy, Port, Ripple and all kinds of wines,
>> but what the heck is "Chuck"? I have to aver that it doesn't sound
>> exactly like the epitome of class in upper-echelon wine circles or
>> even rhombuses. I hope you're not one of them middle-aged housewives
>> who boozes it up to drown the sorrows of youthful dreams lost or
>> merely because being smashed seems like a lot of fun whether you're
>> smashed or sober. There is simply no future in alcohol (-unless
>> you're an automobile, of course.)
> Nope, just frugal. For cooking, Two Buck Chuck is fine. I'm not a
> housewife, I'm a single mother - thus the need for being frugal, but
> still with good taste.

Salute - my highest respects for being a single parent. I'm sure it isn't

I think it was Ed Mullen who left a Google link for Two Buck Chuck.
Suprising to me, that wine has garnered some respect in the wine world.
Even won a few prizes against much more expensive competitors.

Riches are their own reward.