overriding form default behavior

overriding form default behavior

am 17.01.2008 23:14:53 von Peter

The following makes date2=something. Is there a way to make it <= or
>=. I tried making it less than by placing date2< in the name field
but that didn't work.

id is getting its value from javascript which returns a date in the
form 2008-01-17

The form is sending the values via POST.


Re: overriding form default behavior

am 18.01.2008 03:51:13 von Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Peter
writing in news:a01a1953-46fa-4601-9810-4a0dc912b0e5

> The following makes date2=something. Is there a way to make it <= or
>>=. I tried making it less than by placing date2< in the name field
> but that didn't work.
> id is getting its value from javascript which returns a date in the
> form 2008-01-17
> The form is sending the values via POST.
> Thanks,
> Pete

Forms return name/value pairs. The equal sign means that name equals
value. It has nothing to do with less than. That is something that you
will have to do in your script, client or server side.

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