Re: CSS present in DOM but not applied

Re: CSS present in DOM but not applied

am 18.01.2008 16:18:03 von Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Flintstone
writing in news:e59769be-c20c-4f35-b79d-

> There are 3 or 4 places I could have posted this but I think this
> group is the most likely to come up with a solution.
> I have a web app written in ASP.NET with an external stylesheet which
> is actually an aspx file. Normally the page loads fine and all styles
> are applied correctly but I have discovered a weird IE only problem.
> 1) Copy some text from the web page
> 2) Paste the text into Word
> 3) Close the web page and open it again.
> Magically all my CSS styles vanish. The strangest thing is that if I
> look at the DOM in IEs Web Developer Toolbar all of the colors, styles
> etc from the stylesheet are present but for some reason they are not
> applied.
> I have tried setting the stylesheet to disabled
> (document.styleSheet[0].disabled=true) and then enabling it again but
> that seems to make no difference.
> Pressing F5 fixes the page but I really need a more permanent fix.
> Does anybody have and idea why this happens or what I could do about
> it?

URL? Does this only happen in IE? Does this only happen on your
system, and what OS?

Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
Please respond to the group so others can share