Adding semantic Information to HTML-Elementes

Adding semantic Information to HTML-Elementes

am 18.01.2008 16:53:41 von JaneDoe


How can a plug in parse additional information in a web page? For
example there is a telephone number embeded. The Skype plugin tries to
guess, or even better, analyses the received (x)html for

(555) 1234

This is fine for a single item. How would I annotate compound elements?

Two ideas:

* A CSS-class to parse for
* a custom XML tag (for xhtml)

I do not know wheather the second is actually possible. Can I
intermangle xhtml with another namespace for successfulf rendering in a

Regards, Johann

Re: Adding semantic Information to HTML-Elementes

am 18.01.2008 17:03:00 von Toby A Inkster

Johann Höchtl wrote:

> How can a plug in parse additional information in a web page? For
> example there is a telephone number embeded.

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
[Geek of HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python/Apache/Linux]
[OS: Linux, up 19 days, 3:16.]

Ham vs Bacon vs Pork

Re: Adding semantic Information to HTML-Elementes

am 18.01.2008 17:03:52 von David Dorward

Johann Höchtl wrote:
> * A CSS-class to parse for

There's no such thing. HTML has classes. CSS can use class selectors to
match them.

See for examples.

> * a custom XML tag (for xhtml)
> I do not know wheather the second is actually possible. Can I
> intermangle xhtml with another namespace for successfulf rendering in a
> browser?

Yes, so long as the browser supports XHTML - you can't do it while
conforming to Appendix C. This effectively means you can kiss goodbye to
support from Internet Explorer (at least upto version 7).

David Dorward

Re: Adding semantic Information to HTML-Elementes

am 18.01.2008 18:09:15 von Andy Dingley

On 18 Jan, 15:53, Johann Höchtl wrote:

> How can a plug in parse additional information in a web page?

That would depend on how the addiitional metadata is embedded.
Different ways of embedding make it difficult / impossible / or
usually simply not worth bothering.

Standard ways of embedding: look at RDFa

Things to embed: FOAF, Dublin Core

An interesting metadata extractor: PigggyBank extension for FireFox

Re: Adding semantic Information to HTML-Elementes

am 19.01.2008 12:02:39 von Toby A Inkster

David Dorward wrote:
> Johann Höchtl wrote:
>> * a custom XML tag (for xhtml)
> Yes, so long as the browser supports XHTML - you can't do it while
> conforming to Appendix C.

Forget appendix C -- you can't do it while validating to the XHTML DTD at
all. You'd have to write your own DTD to validate against.

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
[Geek of HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python/Apache/Linux]
[OS: Linux, up 19 days, 22:14.]

Ham vs Bacon vs Pork

Re: Adding semantic Information to HTML-Elementes

am 20.01.2008 09:38:53 von JaneDoe

Johann Höchtl wrote:
> Hello!
> How can a plug in parse additional information in a web page? For
> example there is a telephone number embeded. The Skype plugin tries to
> guess, or even better, analyses the received (x)html for
> (555) 1234
> 456
Thanks for the replies, especially is of
great help.

Regards, Johann
> This is fine for a single item. How would I annotate compound elements?
> Two ideas:
> * A CSS-class to parse for
> * a custom XML tag (for xhtml)
> I do not know wheather the second is actually possible. Can I
> intermangle xhtml with another namespace for successfulf rendering in a
> browser?
> Regards, Johann