How to create virtualHost in apache?
am 19.01.2008 16:46:47 von Pawel_IksI have some web application which use symfony framework and I want to
create virtual host in appache to have this application available from
adres http://webApp/ instead of http://localhost//symfony/webApp/. I
have manual which describe how to do it in Gentoo apache
distribiution, but I have apache in Windows. I tried to add folowing
code into httpd.conf:
ServerName imagene
DocumentRoot "c:\apache\htdocs\nauka\phpsolutions_27\symfony
DirectoryIndex index.php
Alias /sf "C:/php/PEAR/data/symfony/web/sf"
AllowOverride All
but it didn't work. My apache server is available at 8080 port. I also
tried to paste this code into httpd-vhosts.conf file (in extra dir)
but it also didn't work