New website dedicated to debugging PHP.

New website dedicated to debugging PHP.

am 20.01.2008 14:56:46 von Keith Roberts

Hi everyone. Please excuse me for cross posting to four
lists, but I'm aware that not everyone subscribes to all of
the lists, so I don't want anyone to miss this announcement.

I have written a new website that is dedicated to debugging
PHP applications.

From the about page:

About php-debuggers

A one-stop resource for Free Open Source PHP debuggers,
covering all operating systems. This site has been developed
in, and is maintained in, my spare time. I hope it helps you
with debugging your PHP applications.

Here at php-debuggers you can:

* Find details of Open Source PHP debuggers available for
your particular OS, including screenshots, and external
download links.

* Find download links and installation and configuration
instructions for PHP debugger modules, such as DBG and

* Post forum help requests for problems you have
installing and configuring DBG or Xdebug PHP modules.

* Find installation and configuration instructions for
your OS's PHP debugger GUI programs.

* Post forum help requests for problems you have
installing and configuring the PHP debugger GUI programs
on your OS.

* Make forum requests for PHP debugger GUI programs to
be ported to your OS.

* Converse with other Open Source developers to discuss
porting a particular PHP GUI debugger from one OS to any

* Add tutorials on the forum for how install and
configure a particular PHP debugger module, or debugger
GUI for your OS.

* Post details of Open Source PHP Debugger Projects that
need more help, or a new maintainer for the project.

To suggest other OS categories, more PHP debugger GUI's, or
improvements to the website, please see the contact page.

Kind Regards and Best Wishes,

Keith Roberts.

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