W3C search does not tell me what to use

W3C search does not tell me what to use

am 20.01.2008 22:41:45 von Dave Kelly

Looks like ' has been deprecated. What do I substitute in
their place.

Here for complete document. www.texasflyfishers.org/2col.html

Validation Output: 2 Errors

1. Error Line 93, Column 13: document type does not allow element
"A" here; missing one of "P", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6",
"PRE", "DIV", "ADDRESS" start-tag.

2. Error Line 109, Column 35: document type does not allow element
"H1" here; missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag.

Matagorda Dragon Fly 1


Re: W3C search does not tell me what to use

am 20.01.2008 23:28:26 von Harlan Messinger

Dave Kelly wrote:
> Looks like '
has been deprecated. What do I substitute in
> their place.

Just give an id to the element that begins where you want the anchor.

Foo and Bar

> Here for complete document. www.texasflyfishers.org/2col.html
> Validation Output: 2 Errors
> 1. Error Line 93, Column 13: document type does not allow element
> "A" here; missing one of "P", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6",
> "PRE", "DIV", "ADDRESS" start-tag.
> 2. Error Line 109, Column 35: document type does not allow element
> "H1" here; missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag.

Matagorda Dragon Fly 1

> a>

It was never OK to put a heading inside an A element. Only inline
content can be inside an A; a heading is a block element. The proper
earlier approach was

Matagorda Dragon Fly 1

Re: W3C search does not tell me what to use

am 20.01.2008 23:42:20 von a.nony.mous

Dave Kelly wrote:

> Looks like '
has been deprecated. What do I substitute in
> their place.
> Here for complete document. www.texasflyfishers.org/2col.html
> Validation Output: 2 Errors

7 errors at this time.

You have HTML in your style sheet.

> 1. Error Line 93, Column 13: document type does not allow element
> "A" here; missing one of "P", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6",
> "PRE", "DIV", "ADDRESS" start-tag.

It is directly in . Anchors can't do that in Strict. Add it to the
beginning of the content div. Same for the one around

Matagorda Dragon Fly 1

> 2. Error Line 109, Column 35: document type does not allow element
> "H1" here; missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag.

Matagorda Dragon Fly 1

> a>

Anchors are inline items. Put it inside the


body {font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 80%;background:

Read this:

-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck

Re: W3C search does not tell me what to use

am 21.01.2008 01:18:44 von John Hosking

Dave Kelly wrote:
> Looks like '
has been deprecated. What do I substitute in
> their place.

Use id instead of name, as Harlan advised.

> Here for complete document. www.texasflyfishers.org/2col.html

Congratulations!* I can now, for the first time in many months, actually
access your site. Previously, my attempts resulted in a timeout, but
tonight I can access both http://www.texasflyfishers.org/2col.html and
http://www.texasflyfishers.org/. Whatever you changed recently was good.

BTW, you might want to add a link from a content page like the URL you
supplied to your Home page (and other pages). Folks who land on a
content page via a search engine will get to explore your site. If you
leave the nav options out, it's harder for them.

*FWIW, that is. I'm hardly part of your target audience, being a
non-fishing, non-fly-tier living outside of Texas.

Read about the UIP: http://improve-usenet.org/

Re: W3C search does not tell me what to use

am 21.01.2008 04:13:34 von Dave Kelly

On Jan 20, 6:18 pm, John Hosking
> Congratulations!* I can now, for the first time in many months, actually
> access your site. Previously, my attempts resulted in a timeout, but
> tonight I can access bothhttp://www.texasflyfishers.org/2col.htmlandhttp://www.te xasflyfishers.org/. Whatever you changed recently was good.

We have about 150 members in our club. Somewhere around 50 or so are
Comcast subscribers. They have not been able to access the site in
over 3 months.

I recieved a message from one of the members today. He had been on the
phone over 2 hours with Comcast tech support and they had finally
found the problem. Two of the servers in California had some bad code
and was blocking our website. He has spent over 9 hours on the phone
trying to track down the culprit.

I was having trouble with sporadically not being to find the server.
That turned out to be the EV1 servers did not exist, had been shut
down. I pointed my registery toward ns1.ev1servers.net and now there
are a lot of happy campers here in Houston with both events

To get back to topic. I ask my question and ya'll answered. For that
I thank everyone. I was down to 2 errors and kept fiddling with it.
Now I have to go back and clean up my mess.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback.

Re: W3C search does not tell me what to use

am 21.01.2008 06:07:45 von rf

"Dave Kelly" wrote in message
news:723a6141-232d-496e-9f46-daf8fcbdf07d@t1g2000pra.googleg roups.com...
> To get back to topic. I ask my question and ya'll answered. For that
> I thank everyone. I was down to 2 errors and kept fiddling with it.
> Now I have to go back and clean up my mess.

You might look into optimising your images. You have over 900 KB of images
on the index page alone.

Particularly I see one (a picture of a trout) that is 158K. It's a 400x300
image resized in the browser to 120x90. Resize the images before you upload
them, don't resize them in the browser. Apart from the fact that it does a
terrible job compared to your image processing software, it means I am
downloading that huge 158K image instead of, probably, an 8K thumbnail.
