Different web.config for Virtual Directories
am 22.01.2008 17:47:53 von Samuel
I have two virtual directories, pointing to the same asp.net application. I
want to have different web.config files as I use different authentication
methods for those two virtual directories.
Is there a simple way to solve this? so that i can have different web.config
for each virtual directory.
RE: Different web.config for Virtual Directories
am 23.01.2008 06:12:01 von Pom
I suggest you add a second level of virtual directories then you create a
second virtual directorie within that will pointe to your apps. This at the
first level, you can have a web.config with a default page that will redirect
to the second level.
You can also implemente "form" authentication for both virtual and the one
that use Windows authentication, you fill in the username/password with the
httpcontext.user.identity. By the way I'm assuming you are using asp.net.
Have a look at: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa302397.aspx