status 3221225477 restarts apache on win 2003 with php and oracle
am 22.01.2008 21:05:54 von jzs
* windows 2003 sp2
* apache 2.0.55 (win32)
* php 5.1.2 (oci8 support enabled with "c:\oracle\product
\10.2.0\client_1\bin" listed under apache environment, environment and
php variables. path "c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\BIN" exists on
when i try to connect to an oracle 10g database on another machine
like so (
$connection = oci_new_connect('username', 'password', '');
), my attempt is successful.
however when i attempt to prepare an oracle statement for execution
like so (
$sql = oci_parse($connection, 'SELECT * FROM database WHERE column_id
= 1');
), i get the following error:
[notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 --
this causes apache to stop!!! check
for more info.
this is where you guys come in ;). google points to possible memory
overflow :(.
Re: status 3221225477 restarts apache on win 2003 with php and oracle
am 23.01.2008 13:30:32 von colin.mckinnon
On 22 Jan, 20:05, jzs wrote:
> * windows 2003 sp2
> * apache 2.0.55 (win32)
> * php 5.1.2 (oci8 support enabled with "c:\oracle\product
> \10.2.0\client_1\bin" listed under apache environment, environment and
> php variables. path "c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\BIN" exists on
> machine)
> when i try to connect to an oracle 10g database on another machine
> like so (
> $connection = oci_new_connect('username', 'password', '');
> ), my attempt is successful.
> however when i attempt to prepare an oracle statement for execution
> like so (
> $sql = oci_parse($connection, 'SELECT * FROM database WHERE column_id
> = 1');
> ), i get the following error:
> [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 --
> Restarting
> this causes apache to stop!!! check
> for more info.
> this is where you guys come in ;). google points to possible memory
> overflow :(.
> jzs
Don't you pay Oracle for support?
FWIW when I'm not playing with PHP, I work to support Oracle+Java
systems - the thick database drivers have been the cause of a lot of
pain. We recently switched to pure Java based drivers and (fingers
crossed) have not seen the problems we had before.
Do make sure you've got the latest versions of the libs installed -
they have fixed a lot of bugs. Have you tried using odbc - that way
you can try and see if you get the same errors using other tools than
PHP (which would put the blame firmly at Oracle's door).