Attributes of "mstat"

Attributes of "mstat"

am 24.01.2008 01:05:27 von PaulO

Hi all,

I have been trying so hard to find something on the web, about the
fields in "mstat" results actually mean:

This is an example of a result generated from mstat, from the book

P:2914 accepting connections
P:19204 SMTP server child for
P:19210 console socket child

I can guess that:
C: current number of daemon children
M: maximum number of daemon children
L: load average of the machine expressed as an integer
Q: ----- this is the bit that I am stuck at - it has got to something
with the queue? -----
D: free disk spaces (in blocks) of the queue directory
P: PID and the status of the Sendmail daemon
P: PID and description of the daemon children

I wonder if anyone knows if my guesses are correct, and what does "Q:"
actually stand for?

Many thanks,