Portal setup to list related records - FM 8
am 24.01.2008 05:00:08 von Deepti
I have a drop down menu which lists activity ids and in the same
layout, I have a portal setup to display more data with the same
activity id.
IN the find mode, when I search for a an activity id lets say "abc".
The portal needs to display all the records which have the activity id
= "abc". I need the records found with the same activity id to be list
one below the other.
The problem I face now is that, in the portal it just displays only
one record while there are 15 records. Though the found set shows the
number of records found to be 15.
Is it something with the portal setup?
Please help!
Re: Portal setup to list related records - FM 8
am 24.01.2008 06:19:03 von Helpful Harry
In article
Deepti wrote:
> I have a drop down menu which lists activity ids and in the same
> layout, I have a portal setup to display more data with the same
> activity id.
> IN the find mode, when I search for a an activity id lets say "abc".
> The portal needs to display all the records which have the activity id
> = "abc". I need the records found with the same activity id to be list
> one below the other.
> The problem I face now is that, in the portal it just displays only
> one record while there are 15 records. Though the found set shows the
> number of records found to be 15.
> Is it something with the portal setup?
> Please help!
Portals do not display what you request in Find mode. Find mode work on
the current Table, not any related ones.
Portals simply display related records based on the data in the key /
link field that is defined in the appropriate Relationship.
If you want the Portal to display "abc" records, then the data in the
key / link field for the Portal's Relationship must be set
appropriately (that probably means it should be "abc" as well, but it's
impossible to tell without knowing how the Relationship and database
are set-up).
Helpful Harry
Hopefully helping harassed humans happily handle handiwork hardships ;o)