invoke script

invoke script

am 24.01.2008 19:23:20 von Mario Sanchez

dear perl gurus

can someone please point me in the right direction: how can a perl program
invoked from a standard linux command line invoke a perl cgi script on a
remote web server?

thank you in advance!

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RE: invoke script

am 24.01.2008 19:29:27 von Scott_Campbell

Mario, try taking a look at the LWP module, in particular
LWP::UserAgent. If you are attempting to hit an HTTPS url, you will
also need to use Crypt::SSLeay.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mario
R. Sanchez, Ph.D.
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 1:23 PM
Subject: invoke script

dear perl gurus

can someone please point me in the right direction: how can a perl
invoked from a standard linux command line invoke a perl cgi script on a
remote web server?

thank you in advance!

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RE: invoke script

am 25.01.2008 12:52:19 von Brian Raven

Campbell, Scott <> wrote:
> Mario, try taking a look at the LWP module, in particular
> LWP::UserAgent. If you are attempting to hit an HTTPS url, you will
> also need to use Crypt::SSLeay. =

Without anything more specific from the OP, I would have suggested
LWP::Simple first as it is easier to use, but in any event look at
'perldoc lwptut' and 'perldoc lwpcook'.


-- =

Brian Raven =

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