Is There a Way to Mask the Entry Page?

Is There a Way to Mask the Entry Page?

am 27.01.2008 15:49:15 von unknown

Post removed (X-No-Archive: yes)

Re: Is There a Way to Mask the Entry Page?

am 27.01.2008 19:13:42 von TravisNewbury

On Jan 27, 9:49 am, Ken Hall wrote:
> I am trying to devise a way to mask the first page a person goes to on
> my website...

I will tell you in a reply to this post in 6 days. Oh wait, this post
will be gone in 6 days so I guess I won't be able to answer you.

> I'm not a very sophisticated HTML person. I depend pretty much on
> HTML page creator programs.

Well since there are others like you, why the hell do you insist on
removing your question from google so others searching for a similar
answer will not be able to find it?

Re: Is There a Way to Mask the Entry Page?

am 28.01.2008 20:24:53 von Bergamot

Ken Hall wrote:
> I am trying to devise a way to mask the first page a person goes to on
> my website.

So you've decided on a solution before you've even stated what the
actual problem is. That's usually a bad way to go about things.

> I sell piece of software. The easiest way for me to
> arrange the sale is to use PayPal who then will route the purchaser to
> a target HTML page on my website. But, if the buyer knows which page
> they are going to, they can pass that page around and others can
> pirate the program.

OK, so the real problem is restricting access to the download. You don't
want to give it to the buyer until they've paid, and you don't want it
publicly available.

> The address (entry page) used by PayPal does not change, so I would
> like to relay purchasers from the entry page in a way they can't know
> the address of the entry page.

You should use PayPal IPN and email the buyer a temporary link that's
generated server-side. If the link is set to expire, it won't do much
good to pass it around to their friends.

> I'm not a very sophisticated HTML person. I depend pretty much on
> HTML page creator programs.

Sorry to disappoint, but you can't do this with just HTML. There are
ready-made scripts out there if you look around. One is LinkLok. It's
not free, but it is inexpensive and works as advertised.


Re: Is There a Way to Mask the Entry Page?

am 29.01.2008 22:05:17 von unknown

Post removed (X-No-Archive: yes)