background color not showing on header

background color not showing on header

am 27.01.2008 16:01:22 von IamDave

I have a header image which I do realize i should cut up into sections
for load time. But my problem is that there is supposed to be black
around the image because I set the css to have a black background but
it's not showing.

But I obviously am making a mistake somewhere.

div#header h1{height:125px;line-height:80px;margin:0;
padding-left:10px;background: ##000000;color: #79B30B}
div#header a{position:absolute;right:0;top:23px}

I'm not sure I understand the difference between header and header h1
referenced above. I got the template code off a website and just
tinkered with it. If you see anything goofy let me know. The code is
as is only because I'm a complete rookie and trying to edit a template
for a 2 column header/footer css layout. :-)


Re: background color not showing on header

am 27.01.2008 22:33:31 von dorayme

In article
iamdave wrote:

> I have a header image which I do realize i should cut up into sections
> for load time. But my problem is that there is supposed to be black
> around the image because I set the css to have a black background but
> it's not showing.
> But I obviously am making a mistake somewhere.
> div#header{position:relative}
> div#header h1{height:125px;line-height:80px;margin:0;
> padding-left:10px;background: ##000000;color: #79B30B}
> div#header a{position:absolute;right:0;top:23px}
> I'm not sure I understand the difference between header and header h1
> referenced above. I got the template code off a website and just
> tinkered with it. If you see anything goofy let me know. The code is
> as is only because I'm a complete rookie and trying to edit a template
> for a 2 column header/footer css layout. :-)

I will just comment on the black problem - there is too much
wrong with everything. Remove your background: ##000000; and use
only one hash.


Re: background color not showing on header

am 27.01.2008 22:36:04 von rf

"iamdave" wrote in message

>I have a header image which I do realize i should cut up into sections
> for load time.

Cutting it up into sections will probably make it load slower.

> But my problem is that there is supposed to be black
> around the image because I set the css to have a black background but
> it's not showing.

> padding-left:10px;background: ##000000;color: #79B30B}

##000000 is not a colour.

Re: background color not showing on header

am 28.01.2008 04:49:27 von IamDave

Ahhhhh! ##000000

A double #!?!?!?

LOL! What a goofy mistake! Wow am I embarrassed. Sorry folks.

"I will just comment on the black problem - there is too much wrong
with everything."

Well apparently I used a template that wasn't so swift. Is there a
better template for a 3 column header/footer I could use to edit as I
continue to learn the css craft and one day trade my white belt for a
yellow belt or purple belt...

The one I used was this one:

Thanks for the input I appreciate it.


Re: background color not showing on header

am 28.01.2008 21:06:01 von dorayme

In article
iamdave wrote:

> Ahhhhh! ##000000
> A double #!?!?!?
> LOL! What a goofy mistake! Wow am I embarrassed. Sorry folks.
> "I will just comment on the black problem - there is too much wrong
> with everything."
> Well apparently I used a template that wasn't so swift. Is there a
> better template for a 3 column header/footer I could use to edit as I
> continue to learn the css craft and one day trade my white belt for a
> yellow belt or purple belt...
> The one I used was this one:
> Thanks for the input I appreciate it.

Please quote what you are replying to at the top and put your own
reply underneath as not everyone here uses Google Groups and some
online readers do not show or even have histories of threads. At
least in this newsgroup, this is the accepted convention.

As for 3 col layouts, how about researching the archives of this
group and coming up with a small number that have been mentioned
favourably and which you fancy a bit.

Don't worry about goofy mistakes, they happen all the time and
you can get lucky with proof reading services on these ng if you
happen to hit folk with no real outside life of their own.


Re: background color not showing on header

am 29.01.2008 03:38:57 von owo.dod

On Jan 28, 2:06 pm, dorayme wrote:
> In article
> <
> m>,
> iamdave wrote:
> > Ahhhhh! ##000000
> > A double #!?!?!?
> > LOL! What a goofy mistake! Wow am I embarrassed. Sorry folks.
> > "I will just comment on the black problem - there is too much wrong
> > with everything."
> > Well apparently I used a template that wasn't so swift. Is there a
> > better template for a 3 column header/footer I could use to edit as I
> > continue to learn the css craft and one day trade my white belt for a
> > yellow belt or purple belt...
> > The one I used was this one:
> >
> > Thanks for the input I appreciate it.
> Please quote what you are replying to at the top and put your own
> reply underneath as not everyone here uses Google Groups and some
> online readers do not show or even have histories of threads. At
> least in this newsgroup, this is the accepted convention.
> As for 3 col layouts, how about researching the archives of this
> group and coming up with a small number that have been mentioned
> favourably and which you fancy a bit.
> Don't worry about goofy mistakes, they happen all the time and
> you can get lucky with proof reading services on these ng if you
> happen to hit folk with no real outside life of their own.
> --
> dorayme

What are you and rk attending the same school morons university

Re: background color not showing on header

am 29.01.2008 15:36:45 von IamDave

On Jan 27, 4:33 pm, dorayme wrote:
> In article
> <
> m>,
> iamdave wrote:
> > I have a header image which I do realize i should cut up into sections
> > for load time. But my problem is that there is supposed to be black
> > around the image because I set the css to have a black background but
> > it's not showing.
> >
> > But I obviously am making a mistake somewhere.
> > div#header{position:relative}
> > div#header h1{height:125px;line-height:80px;margin:0;
> > padding-left:10px;background: ##000000;color: #79B30B}
> > div#header a{position:absolute;right:0;top:23px}
> > I'm not sure I understand the difference between header and header h1
> > referenced above. I got the template code off a website and just
> > tinkered with it. If you see anything goofy let me know. The code is
> > as is only because I'm a complete rookie and trying to edit a template
> > for a 2 column header/footer css layout. :-)
> I will just comment on the black problem - there is too much
> wrong with everything. Remove your background: ##000000; and use
> only one hash.
> --
> dorayme

Are there issues with the html code or web site design that you are
referring to? I used a 3 column template I found. If I need to find a
better coded one that's fine but I'm just not sure which direction you
were speaking of with all the problems.


Re: background color not showing on header

am 29.01.2008 23:56:16 von dorayme

In article
iamdave wrote:

> > >
> >

> > I will just comment on the black problem - there is too much
> > wrong with everything. Remove your background: ##000000; and use
> > only one hash.
> >
> > --
> > dorayme
> Are there issues with the html code or web site design that you are
> referring to? I used a 3 column template I found. If I need to find a
> better coded one that's fine but I'm just not sure which direction you
> were speaking of with all the problems.

If you would fix up all the things the W3C validators say are
errors, I and others for sure would be happy to take a look. The
fauts may be from your template or from things you ahave added?
For example:

a{display:color: #006}


Re: background color not showing on header

am 30.01.2008 14:29:07 von IamDave

On Jan 29, 5:56 pm, dorayme wrote:
> In article
> <
> m>,
> iamdave wrote:
> > > >
> > > I will just comment on the black problem - there is too much
> > > wrong with everything. Remove your background: ##000000; and use
> > > only one hash.
> > > --
> > > dorayme
> > Are there issues with the html code or web site design that you are
> > referring to? I used a 3 column template I found. If I need to find a
> > better coded one that's fine but I'm just not sure which direction you
> > were speaking of with all the problems.
> If you would fix up all the things the W3C validators say are
> errors, I and others for sure would be happy to take a look. The
> fauts may be from your template or from things you ahave added?
> For example:
> a{display:color: #006}
> --
> dorayme

I searched through this group looking for 3 column templates or
layouts and found this one:

Is this one of the more accepted coded layouts I might try and use?


Re: background color not showing on header

am 30.01.2008 14:56:56 von Chaddy2222

On Jan 31, 12:29=A0am, iamdave wrote:
> On Jan 29, 5:56 pm, dorayme wrote:
> > In article
> > <
> > m>,
> > =A0iamdave wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > I will just comment on the black problem - there is too much
> > > > wrong with everything. Remove your background: ##000000; and use
> > > > only one hash.
> > > > --
> > > > dorayme
> > > Are there issues with the html code or web site design that you are
> > > referring to? I used a 3 column template I found. If I need to find a
> > > better coded one that's fine but I'm just not sure which direction you=

> > > were speaking of with all the problems.
> > If you would fix up all the things the W3C validators say are
> > errors, I and others for sure would be happy to take a look. The
> > fauts may be from your template or from things you ahave added?
> > For example:
> > a{display:color: #006}
> > --
> > dorayme
> I searched through this group looking for 3 column templates or
> layouts and found this one:
> Is this one of the more accepted coded layouts I might try and use?
You might be better off having a look at the tutorials at:
Regards Chad.

Re: background color not showing on header

am 30.01.2008 15:05:28 von a.nony.mous

iamdave wrote:

> I searched through this group looking for 3 column templates or
> layouts and found this one:
> Is this one of the more accepted coded layouts I might try and use?

Try Toby Inkster's template:

Stay with HTML 4.01 Strict as well.

-Friends don't let friends drive Vista

Re: background color not showing on header

am 30.01.2008 18:04:10 von dorayme

In article
"Beauregard T. Shagnasty" wrote:

> iamdave wrote:
> > I searched through this group looking for 3 column templates or
> > layouts and found this one:
> >
> >
> > Is this one of the more accepted coded layouts I might try and use?

You could use it as an exercise and modify it according to some
of the things that you can learn here if you stick around. Like
not setting font font sizes in pts, not setting main text to be
less than 100% and a few other things...

> Try Toby Inkster's template:
> Stay with HTML 4.01 Strict as well.

If you just want to go ahead and make a web page and it be
competent without you changing anything much but the content, you
won't go far wrong with this advice from Beauregard.


Re: background color not showing on header

am 31.01.2008 11:54:12 von Ed

On 30/01/08 14:05, Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:

> Try Toby Inkster's template:
> Stay with HTML 4.01 Strict as well.

Thanks for providing the link. But I appear to have problems when
displaying the page.

I find that when I connect to Toby's template, it causes my Internet
Explorer (version 6) to freeze and stop responding.

In Firefox (version, the bottom parts of the left and right
hands columns (below where the text ends) appear to be constantly
refreshing every 5 seconds or so even when I don't resize the browser

Any ideas what might be happening here and how I could resolve these


Re: background color not showing on header

am 31.01.2008 14:24:02 von a.nony.mous

Ed wrote:

> On 30/01/08 14:05, Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>> Try Toby Inkster's template:
>> Stay with HTML 4.01 Strict as well.
> Thanks for providing the link. But I appear to have problems when
> displaying the page.
> I find that when I connect to Toby's template, it causes my Internet
> Explorer (version 6) to freeze and stop responding.

Ah. I see that as well. (Had to fire up the Winbox.) It's the
JavaScript, as the page works fine in IE(6) with JavaScript disabled.

> In Firefox (version, the bottom parts of the left and right
> hands columns (below where the text ends) appear to be constantly
> refreshing every 5 seconds or so even when I don't resize the browser
> window.

Yes, that too, and again caused by the JavaScript.

It works as expected with Opera (9.25).

> Any ideas what might be happening here and how I could resolve these
> issues?

Hopefully, Toby will see this thread and chime in with answers - or
maybe even a version 3 without the problems. He may want to clarify
"Full support: .. Internet Explorer 5+ (Win)" :-)

-Friends don't let friends drive Vista

Re: background color not showing on header

am 31.01.2008 14:28:38 von IamDave

On Jan 30, 12:04 pm, dorayme wrote:
> In article
> ,
> "Beauregard T. Shagnasty" wrote:
> > iamdave wrote:
> > > I searched through this group looking for 3 column templates or
> > > layouts and found this one:
> > >
> > > Is this one of the more accepted coded layouts I might try and use?
> You could use it as an exercise and modify it according to some
> of the things that you can learn here if you stick around. Like
> not setting font font sizes in pts, not setting main text to be
> less than 100% and a few other things...
> > Try Toby Inkster's template:
> >
> > Stay with HTML 4.01 Strict as well.
> If you just want to go ahead and make a web page and it be
> competent without you changing anything much but the content, you
> won't go far wrong with this advice from Beauregard.
> --
> dorayme

Thanks folks. I plugged that site into the validator and it just came
up with one error:

Line 172, Column 30: document type does not allow element "SCRIPT"