CSS - Problem with a href. When active I want the links to keep the

CSS - Problem with a href. When active I want the links to keep the

am 28.01.2008 09:02:58 von patrice.fiset

Hello, can someone good in CSS help me figure out how to set the
active color like the hover color for the top menu of this page.


You can find the CSS file right here:
http://www.westland-associates.com/properties/northpark/imag es/BrightSide.css

The structure of the CSS is king of stranger to me any help would be



Re: CSS - Problem with a href. When active I want the links to keep the hover color help

am 28.01.2008 09:45:33 von Els

patrice.fiset@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello, can someone good in CSS help me figure out how to set the
> active color like the hover color for the top menu of this page.
> http://www.westland-associates.com/properties/northpark/

I'm guessing that by "active", you mean that while you're on the about
page, the 'About Us' link should be the colour the 'Home' link is now,
am I right?

This is not in the CSS, but in the HTML.
As you can see in the HTML, the 'Home' link as an ID added:
id="current". This is what is linked to the CSS to give that colour.
So, in order to do what you want, you just have to make sure that on
the about page, this 'id="current"' bit, is not on the 'Home' link,
but on the 'About Us' link. (and ditto for the other pages of course)

Els http://locusmeus.com/

Re: CSS - Problem with a href. When active I want the links to keep the hover color help

am 28.01.2008 09:47:01 von jkorpela

Scripsit patrice.fiset@gmail.com:

> Hello, can someone good in CSS help me figure out how to set the
> active color like the hover color for the top menu of this page.

I don't see any active color change, and I don't see why you would like
to prevent it, since it would be a usability enhancement. What do you
mean by "active color"?

> http://www.westland-associates.com/properties/northpark/

That's confusing, since the "tabs" don't indicate where you are: "Home"
has gray background, no matter where you are.

> You can find the CSS file right here:
> http://www.westland-associates.com/properties/northpark/imag es/BrightSide.css
> The structure of the CSS is king of stranger to me any help would be

It contains syntax errors, to begin with, using nonexistent element

But the design is generally poor, and there's little point in trying to
fix it. An expert would need some time to figure out how to make the tab
system work at least the way it was meant to work. But using tiny gray
text as copy text is usually a sufficient indication of a need for total
redesign, and this is confirmed by the automatic image alternation, a
major annoyance and obstacle to actually reading any information.

Unless you really have to, stop working with the site unless the site
owner asks you what should really be done with it.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

Re: CSS - Problem with a href. When active I want the links to keep the hover color help

am 28.01.2008 10:02:39 von rf

wrote in message
news:bc509700-7f69-4ace-a4e3-765b32876ae6@m34g2000hsf.google groups.com...
> Hello, can someone good in CSS help me figure out how to set the
> active color like the hover color for the top menu of this page.
> http://www.westland-associates.com/properties/northpark/

Further to what Els said:

:active is not what you think it is. It is not the "current page", rather it
is the currently active link. That is, for example, when the mouse button is
currently pressed over the link, before the mouse button is released and the
link is activated, resulting in a get to the server for the href mentioned
in the link.

http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/selector.html#dynamic-pseudo-clas ses

As Els implies, changing the colour of the "current" menu item is done
server side.


Re: CSS - Problem with a href. When active I want the links to keep

am 28.01.2008 10:23:48 von patrice.fiset

Thank you guys,

Yeah CSS is crap, I found that template on a free template website. I
should learn grrrr.

I found a fix thought if I had id=current on the right li for this
page I get the gray.

On Jan 28, 1:02 am, "rf" wrote:
> wrote in message
> news:bc509700-7f69-4ace-a4e3-765b32876ae6@m34g2000hsf.google groups.com...
> > Hello, can someone good in CSS help me figure out how to set the
> > active color like the hover color for the top menu of this page.
> >http://www.westland-associates.com/properties/northpark/
> Further to what Els said:
> :active is not what you think it is. It is not the "current page", rather it
> is the currently active link. That is, for example, when the mouse button is
> currently pressed over the link, before the mouse button is released and the
> link is activated, resulting in a get to the server for the href mentioned
> in the link.
> http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/selector.html#dynamic-pseudo-clas ses
> As Els implies, changing the colour of the "current" menu item is done
> server side.
> --
> Richard.

Re: CSS - Problem with a href. When active I want the links to keep the hover color help

am 28.01.2008 10:52:41 von rf

wrote in message
news:0fc720e3-bf69-46e4-ad19-532a64ff2d45@i29g2000prf.google groups.com...
> Thank you guys,
> Yeah CSS is crap, I found that template on a free template website. I
> should learn grrrr.
> I found a fix thought if I had id=current on the right li for this
> page I get the gray.

Hmmm. Google grouper.

Re: CSS - Problem with a href. When active I want the links to keep the hover color help

am 28.01.2008 16:56:38 von Ben C

On 2008-01-28, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
>> You can find the CSS file right here:
>> http://www.westland-associates.com/properties/northpark/imag es/BrightSide.css
>> The structure of the CSS is king of stranger to me any help would be
> It contains syntax errors, to begin with, using nonexistent element
> names.

Is that a syntax error?


foobar { width: 100px; }

Re: CSS - Problem with a href. When active I want the links to keep the hover color help

am 28.01.2008 23:29:35 von jkorpela

Scripsit Ben C:

>> It contains syntax errors, to begin with, using nonexistent element
>> names.
> Is that a syntax error?
> e.g.:
> foobar { width: 100px; }

Somewhat debatably, yes. In practical terms, it typically arises from
mistakenly omitting the "." from ".foobar" (or the "#" from "#foobar").
In purely CSS syntax, as checked by so-called CSS validators, it is not
a syntax error.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

Re: CSS - Problem with a href. When active I want the links to keep

am 29.01.2008 02:35:36 von usenet.sucks

On Jan 28, 3:52 am, "rf" wrote:
> wrote in message
> news:0fc720e3-bf69-46e4-ad19-532a64ff2d45@i29g2000prf.google groups.com...
> > Thank you guys,
> > Yeah CSS is crap, I found that template on a free template website. I
> > should learn grrrr.
> > I found a fix thought if I had id=current on the right li for this
> > page I get the gray.
> >

> Hmmm. Google grouper.

So you are an idiot grouper