Require field entry based on data entered in another field.
Require field entry based on data entered in another field.
am 30.01.2008 00:12:57 von u40941
On a form, how do I require entry of a field based on the data in another
field? I do not want to require at the table level.
I have a field that the user selects where a refund goes. If they choose
"Other", field "Other Explanation" cannot be Null. If they choose
"Producer" then field "Producer Code" cannot be Null.
Your help would be greatly appreciated!!
Message posted via cess/200801/1
Re: Require field entry based on data entered in another field.
am 30.01.2008 00:40:54 von Salad
lsimonelli via wrote:
> On a form, how do I require entry of a field based on the data in another
> field? I do not want to require at the table level.
> I have a field that the user selects where a refund goes. If they choose
> "Other", field "Other Explanation" cannot be Null. If they choose
> "Producer" then field "Producer Code" cannot be Null.
> Your help would be greatly appreciated!!
Re: Require field entry based on data entered in another field.
am 30.01.2008 00:58:15 von Salad
lsimonelli via wrote:
> On a form, how do I require entry of a field based on the data in another
> field? I do not want to require at the table level.
> I have a field that the user selects where a refund goes. If they choose
> "Other", field "Other Explanation" cannot be Null. If they choose
> "Producer" then field "Producer Code" cannot be Null.
> Your help would be greatly appreciated!!
I created a table with 3 text fields; Code, Desc1, and Desc2. Here's
the code for the form. Sub LockFields permits mod of field based on code.
Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub
Private Sub Code_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Code = 1 Then
Me.Desc2 = Null
Me.Desc1 = Null
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Desc1_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.Code = 1 And IsNull(Me.Desc1) Then
MsgBox "Enter Description 1"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Desc2_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.Code = 2 And IsNull(Me.Desc2) Then
MsgBox "Enter Description 2"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub LockFields()
Dim intCode As Integer
intCode = Nz(Me.Code, 0)
Me.Desc1.Locked = (intCode <> 1)
Me.Desc2.Locked = (intCode <> 2)
End Sub
Be young
Re: Require field entry based on data entered in another field.
am 30.01.2008 11:42:31 von Allen Browne
Create a Validation Rule on your table.
For details, see the 2nd example in the 2nd section of this article: le
Be sure to bracket carefully if you are combining ANDs and ORs on multiple
pairs of fields.
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users -
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
"lsimonelli via" wrote in message
> On a form, how do I require entry of a field based on the data in another
> field? I do not want to require at the table level.
> I have a field that the user selects where a refund goes. If they choose
> "Other", field "Other Explanation" cannot be Null. If they choose
> "Producer" then field "Producer Code" cannot be Null.
> Your help would be greatly appreciated!!
Re: Require field entry based on data entered in another field.
am 30.01.2008 17:44:42 von u40941
Thank you so much for your prompt response. I will try this!
ps. I watched the video...good song. The video makes me wish I was in
>Be young
Message posted via cess/200801/1
Re: Require field entry based on data entered in another field.
am 30.01.2008 17:45:52 von u40941
Thank you also for your prompt response. I am going to try both solutions
and see which works best.
Allen Browne wrote:
>Create a Validation Rule on your table.
>For details, see the 2nd example in the 2nd section of this article:
> le
>Be sure to bracket carefully if you are combining ANDs and ORs on multiple
>pairs of fields.
>> On a form, how do I require entry of a field based on the data in another
>> field? I do not want to require at the table level.
>[quoted text clipped - 4 lines]
>> Your help would be greatly appreciated!!
Message posted via cess/200801/1