scalar to array?
am 29.01.2008 19:50:15 von Shion
What is the easiest way to push a scalar variable containing text into
an array?
$text = 'here is
a line
that has
four lines';
@lines = ???
the end result is:
@lines =('here is', 'a line', 'that has', 'four lines');
Re: scalar to array?
am 29.01.2008 19:58:15 von xhoster
monkeys paw wrote:
> What is the easiest way to push a scalar variable containing text into
> an array?
> i.e.
> $text = 'here is
> a line
> that has
> four lines';
> @lines = ???
> the end result is:
> @lines =('here is', 'a line', 'that has', 'four lines');
push @lines, split /\n/, $text;
Or if didn't really want to push by rather assign:
my @lines=split /\n/, $text;
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Re: scalar to array?
am 29.01.2008 20:13:52 von Jim Gibson
In article , monkeys
paw wrote:
> What is the easiest way to push a scalar variable containing text into
> an array?
So close! If only you had asked ' ... to split a scalar variable ...'.
Then you would have asked a "self-answering question" (SAQ).
> i.e.
> $text = 'here is
> a line
> that has
> four lines';
> @lines = ???
> the end result is:
> @lines =('here is', 'a line', 'that has', 'four lines');
@lines = split(/\n/,$text);
Jim Gibson
Posted Via Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
Re: scalar to array?
am 29.01.2008 20:39:52 von jurgenex
monkeys paw wrote:
>What is the easiest way to push a scalar variable containing text into
>an array?
That is a SAQ: perldoc -f push
>$text = 'here is
>a line
>that has
>four lines';
>@lines = ???
>the end result is:
>@lines =('here is', 'a line', 'that has', 'four lines');
But this has nothing to do with pushing a single scalar into an array as you
asked for at the beginning.
Just split// the text at newline and then push() or splice() the new
elements into the array. Or you could use an array slice instead, too.